Need help to identify this picture

Feb 18, 2004
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Hello guys!

On a chase on june 15th, I captured a cloud feature that looks like a wall cloud, but I don't think it is one.

Here are 2 pics of it:


And a wider view:

So.. what do you think? Is this feature caused by inflow?
My first thought was that this is indeed some kind of inflow feature.
Kinda bizarre but cool looking!
A perfect "sheriffnado" if there ever was one.
I agree with Joel, based on the position of the main updraft tower and the shape and texture of the cloud ... it looks like an inflow feature of some sort. Reminds me of a few we've been seeing here in Colorado on some skinny towers along the Front Range.
Footumulus. Can be precursor to bunions. :)

That does look like some sort of inflow. It's under the main updraft in that tower. Notice on the "lowering" that it's pointy on one side only? That's the direction where the inflow is coming in from. Kinda like larger inflow bands or a beaver tail on a supercell, but in this case, is much smaller scale. Interesting find though!
It looks like an LP updraft base. I can see there are larger storms in the vicinity, but perhaps its something small being kicked up under the anvil/flanking line. I've seen similar, small LP cells under the anvils of larger storms.
Its obviously a kings foot hanging from the cloud he is on. His face is quite clear to the eye brows, eyes, nose and beard. He appears to have some type of crown on his head and as to what he is doing I will not outline that as you might see it differently than I.:D

Did he mean the shadowy cloud behind the foot-like feature, though?