Name That Date #15

Feb 22, 2004
Golden, CO

Here's one for everyone while we wait for the Super Bowl to start.
Could be the day that Dann Cianca got his first tornado??? (For the life of me I can't remember the date)

EDIT: August 13th, 2008 ??
I'm gonna guess that day Verne nailed all of those naders in Colorado in 2004 or 2005, I'm not sure the date.

Edit: After doing some investigating on Youtube is it the storm from May 10, 2004?
Yeah, May 10, 2004 would have been my first guess. I remember this date well. At the time, it was our most successful chase day, and we weren't even sure we would make the storm in time. Upon seeing the cell initially pop, we picked up our speed and raced across what must have been the westernmost 1/3 of KS to intercept near Limon, CO. Our view was more from the east side than Verne's from a few miles north of town. To this day I wish we had moved closer, perhaps along the interstate. At the time, I thought the cell had a slightly more northeastward component to its motion, so we thought it would move toward us. Fortunately, it only moved at around 10 mph, all the while producing several picturesque tornadoes. I have to admit, I like the lighting and proximity with Verne's video a bit more than ours :)