Mystery formations and structures

Jun 13, 2004
Olathe, KS
In 2001, I asked for help about a Texas structure that looked like a tornado but probably was a landspout.
Possibly others want help in identifying something these see on these photos, digital cameras or videos. No this is not X files . It is a meteorological examination. I will get this area started for a structure that I was on April 21 south of Platte City, MO. Examine the webpage and let me know what you think this structure is please. Then post your ideas and queries about others you want to know about for others to help with.

Hey Eric, Mike, Melanie etc about the April 21 feedback
Thanks for looking my April 21 images Eric.

The picture was smaller because I wanted to have it to be able download on the page more easily. I do have a higher resolution pictures of it but they show pretty much what I see on my video and this. Yours is a little darker and more defined.
The very Cell or wallcloud like structure on the right and a funnel like structure or a hail core? angling from the right down . I am interested to know what this whitish angling structure was? hail corse? rain wrapped funnel or what?
Feedback appreciated. I am interested to know what this structure was.
Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm Satori-



I believe we've written each other in the past through regarding digital cameras(?)

Anyway, I pulled one of your video screen grabs from
the other day in Platte City. I did some rough
Photoshop work on one of them in order to enhance the
detail in the cloud structure in the background.
Obviously, the low resolution and small image size
resulted in considerable noise and color shift (a
full-sized screen grab would've yielded more info) but
interesting results nonetheless. See attached jpg.

Eric Hostetter

It's real hard to tell with that resolution of picture. Looking at the angle of it I would say its most likely a scud/wall cloud or a combination of the both.

april 21 structure

Thanks Scott

Here is more information that backs up what I saw. Apparently Mike and Andy revering and Melanie from Twisted sisters was a little closer to this storm a couple of miles south of me. Mike especially notes the slant of the structure and that a funnel with this shape did touch down briefly near Atchinson. Saw it seems quite possible I caught a brief tornado on tape.
I am going to try to make the picture bigger and post it .
My site and the main page are now up. There was a little trouble with it yesterday/today.

Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm Satori-
Mike, Ryan, Eric, Melanie, Andy, Sam and all
It works now again after I go rid of some garbage on the page.

Wow this chase is getting even more interesting then the green sky and the hail.
So if you are saying that it was more then a funnel, it was actually a brief tornado. I can't quite see it touching the ground fromy position with the houses and trees in the way but that would be great to know and confirm a small tornado if that is right to do.
Well that is great. Yes this photo of mine shows a steep angle so that is it. Can you tell me exactly where you thing the funne tornado was and where you guys were (any roads nearby with these). I would like to find a map.
POssibly I should have gotten closer but since I was in Platte City and having a good view, I decided to sit tight and not try to run down south into that area.
Well many thanks. That confirms it definitely as a funnel but if you confirm it touched down and had a better view of what I was seeing a few miles North, I can notch myself another tornado eventhough very brief. MIke - Did you get any pics? I will check my time codes . But as you all see , the angled structure is there.

Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm Satori-
15016 W150th St., Olathe, KS 66062 (913-780-5902-home; mobile 913-486-1247)

In a message dated 4/26/05 5:06:09 PM, [email protected] writes:

Eric and others ... this looks like it is likely the same condensation
funnel we were seeing from south of Atchison ... it is not part of the
hail core ... it was touching the ground and rotating at the time. It
was also very brief ... on the order of a minute or so. We were
between this tornado and the hail core at the time, the hail core
being just to our north and the tornado just to the south. We were
looking at it from much closer ... just a couple of miles away at the
most ... but it did have a unique angle back up to the cloud base,
which is what makes it recognizable in your photos. Check the time
code on your images ... if it was shot somewhere between 4:50 p.m. and
5:00 p.m., then this is most likely it.

Hope this helps -

Mike P.

(P.S. - you quote Melanie mentioning this feature in ST, but I think
it was actually part of my report ... the Twister Sisters and Andrew
Revering were also on this storm, but closer to your position near
Weston/Platte City) ...

On 4/26/05, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hey Eric, Mike, Melanie and others about the April 21 storm and feedback
> Thanks for looking at my April 21 images Eric and redooing the image.

> The picture was smaller because I wanted to have it to be able download on
> the page more easily. I do have a higher resolution pictures of it but they
> show pretty much what I see on my video and this. Yours is a little darker
> and more defined.
> The very Cell or wallcloud like structure on the right and a funnel like
> structure or a hail core? angling from the right down . I am interested to
> know what this whitish angling structure was? hail corse? rain wrapped
> funnel or what?
> Feedback appreciated. I am interested to know what this structure was.
> Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm
> Satori-
> ******
> Eric,
> I believe we've written each other in the past through
> regarding digital cameras(?)
> Anyway, I pulled one of your video screen grabs from
> the other day in Platte City. I did some rough
> Photoshop work on one of them in order to enhance the
> detail in the cloud structure in the background.
> Obviously, the low resolution and small image size
> resulted in considerable noise and color shift (a
> full-sized screen grab would've yielded more info) but
> interesting results nonetheless. See attached jpg.
> Eric Hostetter
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