Myanmar Hurricane Relief

Feb 20, 2004
Windsor, Ontario
Hey guys,

I know there is already a thread in the Tropical section about the hurricane itself, but I wanted to start a thread dedicated to the hurricane relief, providing links to relief organizations who are accepting donations to do relief work in the country.

Here are a few that I found:

Samaritian's Purse
World Vision
American Red Cross

Post any more links that you know of.

I know this is really far out in advance, but how do you guys feel about maybe a portion of Storms of 2008 (assuming it gets made again this year) going towards this disaster?
From what I've read on the beeb, right now the government isn't accepting much in the way of help, other than money. That may change, of course.
Most (if not all) of those organizations I listed above already had aid workers there when the hurricane hit and some are still able to get aid into the country.