Most memorable chase?

Jun 9, 2005
For me it was being chased, not chasing! I was just curious to all the others out there what your most memorable chase was. Also, how many f-5s have any of you chased?
Mine would definitely have to be May 29, 2004... so many tornadoes of different strengths and was amazing! :shock: at one point i remember two cone tornadoes on the ground at the same time, and one of the tornadoes had a satellite for about 30 in a way, 3 tornadoes simultaneously! ill never forget that chase, nor the April 5, 2003 "ice chest" supercell that rolled through Throckmorton County.
For me it was being chased, not chasing! I was just curious to all the others out there what your most memorable chase was. Also, how many f-5s have any of you chased?

Just one:


This is the only "official" F5 I've ever seen, but this isn't my most-memorable chase. That's probably a tie between 5-29-04, 6-12-04, and 5-12-05.
Without any hesitation, October 9 2001 hands down. Regardless of what I have seen and experienced in 2004 and 2005, October 9 2001 will live in my mind as being a very special chase for me.

Many reasons for the 9th being most memorable.
1.)It was my first tornado on film.
2.)Not many got the Elk City / Foss Lake tornadoes.
3.)I was close enough to get wonderful video while at the same time being in a safe place while videoing.
4.)No screw-ups. (No second guessing my target/forecast)
5.)Lastly, but not the least, the damn thing was in Oklahoma.
