Morning clouds/virga

Jan 8, 2005
Huntsville, Alabama
Got home to Huntsville, AL at about 5:30 am (04/16) following a gig in Knoxville, TN area. The first dawn showed some interesting cloud formations that caused me to dig out the videocam and film for about ten minutes prior to sunrise.

These were smaller than even small cbs, but they rose to apparent mid-level before spreading into 'anvil' stuctures, some with an overshoot bubbling in the middle, and all had appendages beneath (non-rotating) that looked like virga in the dimmest light. But as daylight increased, the 'virga' began to look more like a vertical cirrostratus texture beneath the parent clouds---and in one case, a spray was visible shooting out the top of the formation.

Some dangled tendrils, others had structures that resembled keels beneath ocean-racing sailboats Due to my antique computer, I'm unequipped to post a capture.

I checked the ridge radar, but ground clutter and a few very light blue patches were all that was there.

There was nothing severe about this scene other than its beauty. Can anyone analyze conditions at that time and respond with an idea of these formation's classifications? I recognize that much more important events are occuring today.

Thankfully, I've been asked to bring my lone tornado footage from 04/07 to the HSV NWS office this week and I'll hope to get an explanation of what was going on. I had noted in one of today's forcast threads a concern that this area would be under a risk were it not for an 850mb cap holding things down. These things sure looked like they wanted to be convective, if indeed they weren't---though on a miniature level.

Happy Easter to anyone celebrating.