Mobile Blogging

Feb 22, 2004
Golden, CO
I just discovered that supports mobile blogging from your cell phone. I've been playing around with it and it's the coolest thing I've seen in awhile! If you have a cell phone that can send pictures and text (or just text) you can email it to [email protected] and it will create a blog for you automatically, then you can either continue to post to that blog or redirect it permanently to your existing blog. Check out some of my early results on my blog!

Has anyone else tried this yet? How new is this?
I was playing with it just a couple days ago. I haven't tried to send pics yet, but from what little I played it seems pretty darn cool. It's been available for a few months I think.
Verne, It looks like you have the blogging camera thing down. Wondering if you could comment a bit on the process, how many different set-ups did you try and have you found the "best" setting that you could share with all...
Yeah so here's what I've learned. You have to have MMS capability for pictures and text or just plain text from your cell phone provider. You then send a first message to [email protected] - will reply with a temp blog name and an access code. You then go to the temp blog name, log in and you will be presented with an option to either continue with the temp blog or redirect to an existing blog. After this the following picture mails or text will post to your blog (or the temp one if you want to keep it) automatically. As long as you have a good strong digital signal of course.