May or June

Jun 17, 2017
Sherwood, Arkansas (Little Rock area)
If you were given the choice to chase for the entire month of May, or the entire month of June, which would you choose and Why?

Make the distance you have to travel irrelevant. Assume that you’ve been given a gift. All travel and vehicle expenses are covered 100%, regardless of where you have to go.
I’d pick May by a nose. In May you get those stretches where you have multiple tornado days in a row, but the early part of May is really susceptible to having all the moisture stuffed back into the Gulf of Mexico.
June is great. Most of the chases are in really great chase terrain and the days are a little longer. Towards the end of June the corn fields are starting to get tall enough to make it harder to get good viewing.
If you had only given the option of two weeks I'd choose the first two weeks of June, because I have had more success in the first two weeks of June than any other two-week period, and by far, and I haven't seen much in late June. So to me it's a choice between all of May vs. the first two weeks of June, and that's pretty close to a tossup as far as I am concerned. I think I would then pick May. Barely.
June. Hands down.

May is like the first chick you (or in my case, me) ever fell in love with...she's temperamental and can be a bit prudish or conservative at times, but you love her so much that when she actually does put out, it's the most amazing thing you've ever experienced!

ADD: To complete the analogy...June, on the other hand, is like that third girl you fall in love with...the one who is truly into you and actually calm and gives it up often and you love it even more. More reliable and equally as rewarding as the first one.
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June for me. Being from the Midwest, June is the month in which I've seen the most tornadoes in. Even July is peaking up there with June. Love local tornado setups and being able to come home to my own bed before 10pm lol.
but you love her so much that when she actually does put out, it's the most amazing thing you've ever experienced!

Jeff you dirty dog you. ;) lol

I'd also say June. There's something magical about the front range and the high plains with just how desolate they are. June also marks a significant drop off in tornado predictability. While it makes it more challenging, I think it adds a bit to the adventure and thrill of getting a chase right.
Going by the previous decade? June.

May has still churned out some great days, but we haven't had a high quality May on the Plains since the start of the previous decade. Much better odds of smaller crowds due to the locations of setups further out onto the High Plains and catching something absolutely gorgeous and slow moving in June.
Since June is the overwhelming consensus I am going to pick May. I love both months, and love June for the reasons mentioned above. At the end of the day, May is still the king of months in regards to tornado activity. There are some years where May has been a dud (2020, 2014, 2009), but more often than not May ends up being the most productive month of the year for tornado activity. While the chaser hoards are in full force in May, there are still plenty of chasers out in June. I have many great tornado intercepts in June, but the bulk of my best stuff has occurred in May. For every great tornado day in June, one could name off several great tornado days in May. My final point is contrary to the point of the original post, but one of the great things about May is you still have the month of June ahead of you.
Wow, I am really surprised by these responses! I would have thought for sure May would be the overwhelming winner. Not only did May fail to be the overwhelming winner, but it‘s not even close, it appears May is the overwhelming loser! Isn’t the last two weeks of May pretty much acknowledged to be the peak? Maybe first week of June is also peak, but that’s still two peak weeks in May and only one in June. Season seems to shut down early and quickly in many years, and a death ridge seems more likely to set in in June than in May. @Bob Schafer alludes to the favorability of the first half of June, and the not-so-favorable second half. Bob, if I read you right, you would *almost* favor the first half of June over the entire month of May?!? That’s even more surprising...

If I only had two weeks, I would take the last half of May over the first half of June. I’ve never had much success in June. The vast majority of my tornados were in May. Now, the vast majority of my chase vacation days have been in May, so this may be a useless statistic, but I have often been chasing at least into the first week of June, and keep watch on things when I go back home, and it always seems things shut down except for maybe a one-off event. I also prefer the southern plains over the northern plains...

Regardless of any potential difference of opinion here, I am greatly encouraged by these responses, because this year I may have to take a late chase vacation. I just started a new job, and need to attend a board meeting to present financial results on 5/27, and would need the week leading up to it to prepare. At first I was really bummed out, thinking it was the worst possible time for a board meeting, as I usually like to be on the Plains for the week on either side of Memorial Day. If I hadn’t just started this job, I might ask to have the meeting changed, but not sure that would even help given the larger context of the financial reporting timetables here - meaning this is likely to be an issue in future years as well. But if you guys think June is better than May anyway, then maybe I should just roll with it and do a 5/28-6/13 chase vacation this year and see how it goes. It’s really only a week later than I would normally go anyway, but I do hate missing most of the last half of May. And I have a family vacation in July so don’t like the idea of taking more vacation time so soon after my chase vacation...

Things I will just have to struggle with until I can retire... 😏

EDIT: Ugh, just remembered my son’s graduation is 6/10. So now it’s going to be a late trip and a short one too... Maybe I can get the board meeting moved just a couple days earlier, or even do it remotely like everything else these days... 🤔
Bob, if I read you right, you would *almost* favor the first half of June over the entire month of May?!?

Last year I picked my top ten days from my 20 years of chasing. I don't remember exactly, but I think 7 of those occurred in June. Not only that, but 2 of the 3 from May were May 31 and May 28... practically June. I'm not saying that proves anything. It doesn't. YMMV.
Almost every attribute I prefer in a chase day has its likelihood maximized in June: long days, high CAPE, slow storm motions, and a geographical preference for areas NW of the trees and cities like DFW/OKC/TUL. In theory, it's always been June all the way for me. June is also my favorite month overall, even aside from chasing.

With my current job, from 2018-present, I've had limitations in May but have been free to chase almost anything in June. Going in, I thought this would work out well: I'd undoubtedly get screwed when there were banner days >3-4 hours from OKC on weekdays in May, but the ability to chase aggressively in June would compensate. The key assumption was that the period from late May to mid-late June maximizes the prevalence of mesoscale opportunities for tornadic supercells on a day-to-day basis; if you're willing to roam, you should be able to find opportunities most days. And if you take most of the opportunities, a couple are bound to work out well.

That was a great theory, anyway. Each of the past three Junes has been nearly dead, in terms of forecastable setups in the heart of the Plains. I haven't seen a single good June tornado since 2015, back when I was freer to chase, yet less apt to spend money for borderline setups >6 hours from home (being based in OK, that "money-bottlenecked" style of chasing generally meant I leaned more into May and less into June than I do now). June has been chock full of exhaustion and disappointment for me lately.

I'm attaching a plot from my "objective" chase scoring script that really highlights the downfall of June over the past decade, particularly when focusing south of the Dakotas and WY/MT (where, admittedly, some great but very difficult-to-forecast storms have been sprinkled in almost yearly). Every single year of the past ten, save 2014, has come out in the red. There is no other comparably bad period of this duration in the dataset, which goes back to 1955.


The upshot is that June appears to have turned frigid on us, to indulge Jeff's oh-so-eloquent analogy. Now, the critical question is whether that's driven more by standard decadal variability vs. more permanent climate trends, e.g. from AGW. An expansion of the summer doldrums further back into June, on average, would be consistent with some of the research on AGW impacts. But looking at the past 10 years individually, I don't know that it's fair to say the failure mode has always been consistent with that. There are cases like last year where the jet remained active over the heart of chase alley, but moisture and other issues were pervasive. If anything, the perpetual tendency for eastern North America troughing and/or southwest U.S. ridging that has plagued March-April also appears in recent June composites.

I can keep hoping we've simply rolled a lot of consecutive snake eyes by random chance, and that any year now we'll snap back to more expected samples from the same background June climatology we observed for decades prior to 2011. But I'm not sure. My answer in 2010 would've been resoundingly in favor of June, but now I wonder if I'm resigned to failure 80-90% of years without finding a way to shift my most aggressive chasing weeks earlier.