Joe Nield
If anyone has the watch graphic from May 30, 2004, when some ridiculous number of PDS watches were in effect at one time, please contact me. I need it for a presentation. Thanks!
The next Super Outbreak, perhaps? I thought May 30th, '04 was gonna be Super Outbreak II what with that many PDS watches, a massive area encompassed by 35% hatched tornado probability, and discussions containing wording such as "environmental conditions are becoming extremely favorable for damaging tornadoes" etc. However it didn't turn out on that magnitude. More of a big derecho with only a few strong tornadoes.
In terms of sheer number of tornadoes, I believe a 24-hour period from 5/29-5/30 rivaled or even slightly exceeded the super outbreak, the big difference being the drastically lower number of strong and violent tornadoes. I'm not aware of any tornadoes rated higher than F3 from that event (Peru, IN and Marengo, IN). I have a feeling that the two month difference has a role in that, given that it would make sense to have better setups earlier in the season. However, given shear that was just nuts, and instability that was more than adequate, it was somewhat surprising that there weren't more damaging tornadoes than there were.
Given the parameters in place, I was also incredibly surprised to see very (very) few strong-violent tornadoes.
Given the parameters in place, I was also incredibly surprised to see very (very) few strong-violent tornadoes.
Absolutely. Although the supercell that moved through Indianapolis (and passed just south of our office...nothing like watching power flashes for a few seconds out the front door of the building in between pumping out warnings and statements) produced several tornadoes, I was on the survey team for those tornadoes and only one had a small area of F2 damage, that being the one that moved through the south side of Indianapolis. This was around 00z, and the 0-1km shear at the time was 25-30 knots...1km background SRH of 300-350 m2/s2...deep layer shear of 55 other words, just completely insane.
I doubt there will ever be another super outbreak. The "odds" of that many violent tornadoes hitting cities again? Near 0