May 29 Tornado Video Online

Mar 2, 2004
Northern Colorado
If this is the dusk tornado event near Argonia/Conway Springs, KS, the large wedge towards the end of the sequence was rated F3. Depending on who you talk to, there were other tornadoes before this wedge. The official survey has a seperate tornado rated as F0. IMO, there were three seperate tornadoes from this sequence. Others have more, others have only one single tornado event listed in their reports.
What a prairie dancer! The way it morphs is sheer poetry. Interesting to watch the funnel advance, then reverse direction beneath the wall cloud, regroup as a wedge, and start retracing its path.
This is some kinda sweet video ... !

Man that thing is fun to watch - great position - nice to see the wheat fields in the foreground too. Nice work man -

Toward the end of the devil's dance vid - it must be a digital ghost, but it looks like there's a reflection off of a car or something in the lower right part of the frame just above the right side of your web site name ... now that would be called 'getting a little close' ...
Tony, do you know wich degree of fujita scale has been this tornado?F3 or F4?

I believe Shane has answered that question for you.. this was shot from 8 miles south of Conway Springs looking north. This was the dusk event that Shane referred to. The F-3 was the strongest, the other official tornado was an F-0; I imagine the other tornadoes in this sequence were also F-0.

Toward the end of the devil's dance vid - it must be a digital ghost, but it looks like there's a reflection off of a car or something in the lower right part of the frame just above the right side of your web site name ... now that would be called 'getting a little close' ...

I'm not seeing it.. when (in time-format on the video) do you see this digital ghost? I must be blind! :lol:
I noticed it and it's moving, at least at first--moving slowly to the right. Looks like an actual vehicle to me, not a reflection. Was there a road in the distance?
I noticed it and it's moving, at least at first--moving slowly to the right. Looks like an actual vehicle to me, not a reflection. Was there a road in the distance?

AH! That.. I think its an emergency vehicle of sorts.. not sure, though..
Dang! - if that really was a car, it had to have been within a few hundred yards ... I'd be booking it out of there too.

Was Drummond on that storm by any chance? lol - j/k David -
Actually, I think there are several vehicles in the area. I do remember seeing them in the distance as I was shooting, so they are not digital misrepresentations. How close they were is unknown..

Keep in mind, I was shooting from Hwy 160 looking north from 8 miles directly south of Conway Springs, so these tornadoes were within 6 to 8 miles of me I would guesstimate using the damage track from NWS-Wichita. My guess is that they (the vehicles) couldn't have been too far from me.