Matthew in the Gulf this week?

Dec 6, 2003
Brookshire, TX
Current chatter of local TV mets is that the remnants of Ivan that are currently in Florida again may have circulation when it hits the eastern Gulf. Water temp at 88 degrees and the HI steering it right in the direction of Houston/Galveston. Tropical Storm Matthew may just be on the horizon this week. Nothing concrete and lots of maybes still out there, but a possibility being talked about round these parts.
Anthony Yanez (KPRC Houston) showed the entire possibilities twice today so far. I have not found anything on this on any sites I habit.
Any thoughts on this scenario?
I know Karl is going to be soon racing north, but it's going to be one impressive satellite loop if we get Matthew, Karl, Lisa and Jeanne spinning out there. I wonder if there will be a possiblity of a quad-Fujiwara effect? Like a tropical cyclone square dance.....
You should say the remnant circulation of Ivan because it isn't. What happened was Ivan broke into two pieces one part of him went Northeast and that was his surface dynamics along with his surface circulation. Another went South and is now in the Eastern Gulf Of Mexico. It is mainly his mid-level circulation that is left over the Gulf. A new surface circulation did form and so the name would be Matthew.
You should say the remnant circulation of Ivan because it isn't. What happened was Ivan broke into two pieces one part of him went Northeast and that was his surface dynamics along with his surface circulation. Another went South and is now in the Eastern Gulf Of Mexico. It is mainly his mid-level circulation that is left over the Gulf. A new surface circulation did form and so the name would be Matthew.

I can vouch for that. The surface low from Ivan passed right over my house in Connecticut last weekend.
I appreciate the clarification... I really dont know why I wrote that, as I knew the surface low did in fact pass very near my hometown of Westport, CT

sigh.... :oops:
Mathew in the Gulf this week?

Somehow Ivan's return makes me think of an old prizefighter who has come out of retirement when he is well past his prime -- he just doesn't have much punch.
