Dec 13, 2003
Wellston, Oklahoma

Disgusted and furious with the lawlessness of looters who have put fear into citizens, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin declared Martial Law in the city and directed the city's 1,500 person police force to do "whatever it takes" to regain control of the city.

Nagin said that Martial Law means that officers don't have to worry about civil rights and Miranda rights in stopping the looters.
Well, some looters. The thing is, some of the looting is understandable, and as far as I can tell ethical. You need to survive. Looting food, water, clothing, shoes, and other essentials isn't hooliganism, it's survival. Looting valuables is not as useful, except as a bartering tool to get any of the above. People looting Plasma TVs are idiots. People looting boxes of cereal and sterno are doing the right thing.

I should add, looting from other people who are still there and still need the supplies -- that is both stupid and wrong. I'm talking about looting abandoned stores.
Well, some looters. The thing is, some of the looting is understandable, and as far as I can tell ethical. You need to survive. Looting food, water, clothing, shoes, and other essentials isn't hooliganism, it's survival. Looting valuables is not as useful, except as a bartering tool to get any of the above. People looting Plasma TVs are idiots. People looting boxes of cereal and sterno are doing the right thing.

I should add, looting from other people who are still there and still need the supplies -- that is both stupid and wrong. I'm talking about looting abandoned stores.

i dont care about food, water ect but people with tv's, electornics should be shot dead on site with no questions asked. There are dead bodies floating in the water and all they can think about is getting Madden 2006
Well, some looters. The thing is, some of the looting is understandable, and as far as I can tell ethical. You need to survive. Looting food, water, clothing, shoes, and other essentials isn't hooliganism, it's survival. Looting valuables is not as useful, except as a bartering tool to get any of the above. People looting Plasma TVs are idiots. People looting boxes of cereal and sterno are doing the right thing.

I should add, looting from other people who are still there and still need the supplies -- that is both stupid and wrong. I'm talking about looting abandoned stores.

i dont care about food, water ect but people with tv's, electornics should be shot dead on site with no questions asked. There are dead bodies floating in the water and all they can think about is getting Madden 2006

Why? Looting electronics just makes them stupid. It's no more or less harmful than looting food, and it's not like any of that stuff is worth anything anymore, anyway. If it makes the stupid people happy to prance around with a worthless 27-inch plasma, hey, more power to them. The dangerous people are the people looting the weapons and using the weapons to further their looting and create alternative power-bases (gangs/warlordism).

Mayor Ray Nagin ordered 1,500 police officers to leave their search-and-rescue mission Wednesday night and return to the streets to stop looting that has turned increasingly hostile as the city plunges deeper into chaos.

The number of officers called off the search-and-rescue mission amounts to virtually the entire police force in New Orleans.

Abandon the search and rescue mission to stop looters? Let them loot, the city is ruined anyways. Adopt a shoot to kill policy for the few they do come across and word will spread. But don't stop the search and rescue missions.
As I posted in another thread, I think Nagin's declaration has more to do with the armed gangs terrorizing citizens rather than looting. He doesn't care about the looting. Those guys aren't going to take their plasma TV's onto the buses or Chinooks that take them out of the city. What Nagin is worried about is that gangs are now competing with him for domination of the city. His statement said the gangs are nearing populated structures like hotels and hospitals. He's going to be the warlord who wins and I support his decision.
Re: ..

Abandon the search and rescue mission to stop looters? Let them loot, the city is ruined anyways. Adopt a shoot to kill policy for the few they do come across and word will spread. But don't stop the search and rescue missions.

As Bobby Jindal said earlier on MSNBC, the search and rescue operations are being inhibited by armed looters. Some of them, according to his interview, were taking pot-shots at resuce helicopters and getting into shootouts with the police over stolen cars.

They have to do something... otherwise soon this minority of hooligans is going to make search and rescue impossible.
I understand what you're saying, I just can't understand taking every ssingle officer in the city and completely suspending their search and rescue operations. Families are going into their fourth day of sitting on roof tops without food and water. Some are dying. Nagin called for a complete evacuation of the entire city earlier tonight, once search and rescue is complete. Get the victims out and abandon the city, then leave the criminals to the city and let nature sort them out.

However, I was not aware of the reports of the thugs interfering with search and rescue. New Orleans, what a mess.....
I understand what you're saying, I just can't understand taking every ssingle officer in the city and completely suspending their search and rescue operations. Families are going into their fourth day of sitting on roof tops without food and water. Some are dying.

I think a part of the decision to redistribute law enforcement officials has to do with the saddest of realizations -- the time for "search and rescue" may be coming to an end. As unfathomable as it is to me, I think there is a decreasing number of people who actually need the services of a S&R crew. After days of hot weather, no clean water or food, I'm afraid that many of the folks that may have been stuck in attics have since perished. There are still lots of folks on rooftops and apartment complexes, but those may only be able to be serviced by helicopters and boats, both of which are in limited supply. It's a horrible realization, but I fear that may be contributing to the desire to move "manpower" from S&R efforts to civil order efforts. As Amos has noted, the vast majority of folks stuck in NO are likely good people, despite the thugs that we see on the news stealing TVs, etc. The mayor, and all city officials, have an obligation to provide at least a little security to those citizens that are stuck in NO, but otherwise obeying the laws. Given the crime stats for NO, and the fact that many folks are in survival mode, I can't imagine how scary it must be to be living in that city tonight. Rapes, murders, robberies, etc...
They're not suspended SAR, just taking the cops off that duty. There are Coast Guard, National Guard (from all over the place), and a host of other agencies continuing the job. But a small army of well-armed terrorists are moving closer to areas where survivors are waiting for rescue. You can't leave them to fend for themselves. The police should form a perimter to protect these people, and when the gangs approach, mow them down.

I also think it's important to remember that the armed gangs and looters constitute a tiny percentage of the people still in the city. Most of these people are adults or parents with children, the elderly, and all other types of law-abiding citizens. They are good citizens in a horrible situation, terrified and without any information about how they're going to survive.

No they didn't evacuate, but not everybody has the circumstances that the majority of people on Stormtrack enjoy. Their lives are in completely different contexts. I write this because I see many posts that assume certain standards or ideas that come from a particular socioeconomic position have universal credibility or practicality. They don't. Sorry if that's offends anybody, but some of us have our blinders on pretty tight right now.

You can rest assured that there are as many reasons that people did not evacuate as there are people trapped in New Orleans tonight. It's not because every single one chose brazen disregard for their own lives or those of their families. And they are as terrified of the looters as anybody.

In Gulfport for example, many people who live check to check were out of money when the order came down to evacuate. It's the end of the month. An MSNBC reporter said that some of them approached the owner of a rent-to-own store that they were customers of and asked for a $30 loan for gas. He didn't have enough for them all, so they had absolutely no choice but to try and ride it out.
LSP swat was just dispatched to Childrens Hospital. They're under attack again and shots have been fired.
I'm not disagreeing with the martial law. I support it 100%. In fact, I feel that perhaps a shoot-to-kill policy needs to be adopted for anyone who is a perceived threat. It would only take a few instances of it being enforced to get the point across while continuing search and rescue.
If shoot to kill is what it takes-do it. I'm merciless when it comes to punks like this. No mercy, no second chances. If these punks want to play hardball, let's give them what they want.
