Mapping Software Needed

Mar 2, 2004
Northern Colorado
I am looking for mapping software, something like Google Maps (Google Earth Pro may fit the bill for this) where I can overlay various layers of information.

For instance, I want to be able to put a layer of points over a map, then on another layer, put a shaded polygon or smooth outline of an area. I would like to try and measure the square area of that shaded area. I would also like to be able to zoom the map in and out with those layers active and they remain in scale. Lastly, I would like to be able to display these on a website where a user could toggle these layers on and off. The map itself is fine in 2-D (looking straight down) and has a setup similar to Google Maps (toggle between map and satellite).

Figure a budget of $1000, so I am looking for something more advanced than free that could be used on websites, etc.

I have looked a Google Earth Pro, but honestly do not know based on their website if it will do the tasks I am looking for. I was hopeful for confirmation o this, or someone else's experience with this type of software.
The free version of Google Earth will do a number of these tasks, such as the shaded polygon and the points overlay. I'm not sure if you can display Google Earth Pro on a website for an interactive display. I haven't looked that far into it yet, but I know several folks who have built interactive radar overlays for regular Google maps. I would assume something like what you want could be done just as easily.