Lost GRLEVEL3 registry key.

Apr 24, 2005
Oklahoma City
Would anyone know if there is a way to recover this or if there is a company i can call to give them my info to recover my lost registry key. Any help would be appreciated. I am unable to locate where i have placed mine and also have moved a few times since. Thanks again.
Well the laptop it was on died. I think i am just going to repurchase it. Still if any one is able to provide a solution. I would thank you.
Thank you Matt. DO you mean Mike Boik? I purchased another one but i would still like to use the other on my desktop still. so if i can still get it recovered i am all for it.
Thank you Matt. DO you mean Mike Boik? I purchased another one but i would still like to use the other on my desktop still. so if i can still get it recovered i am all for it.

That would be Mike Gibson, the developer of the software. I still can't figure out for the life of me how so many people lose their registration keys.
It does Jason. I have moved 3 times and had 2 computer failures. Normally I am really good about keeping up with these things but thing been hectic.
I have all of my registration keys written down and locked in a filing cabinet. Sometimes the oldest / simplest technology is the best. What really pisses me off (and has happened only once) is when you go to use a key and it attempts to validate online, only to fail because someone cracked the code... then you're SOL and have to buy a new copy.
I'm in the same boat for my analyst. Had to do a factory reboot on my pc and got screwed. Tried the links to recover my key with no luck. I would buy it again but I dont have to $$$.