Looking to buy a Vid Cam dash mount


Dec 10, 2003
So. Cal.
I am looking for a "in car" video camera mount. It will have to be the temp. kind as I am renting a car. I am looking to spend around $50 or so... so obviously I am looking for a used one!
depending on its weight you might want to consider velcro - sounds wacky but the new dv cameras are super light (and given a smooth dash and it might work with one piece also on the glass)
Originally posted by bill mudd
depending on its weight you might want to consider velcro - sounds wacky but the new dv cameras are super light (and given a smooth dash and it might work with one piece also on the glass)

I would have to veto the velcro :lol: Once things warm up in the sun on the dash that velcro is going to come sliding off like mud on a California hillside!

Check into RAM mounts. I have used them for years and LOVE them. Several others have tried them as well.
RAM Mounts are wonderful! I paid less than $50 for the one I use and it's simple to install and create. Also gives you the ability to customize it using various parts. Give it a look!