Fro May 1, 2006 Aviation Week & Space Technology:
A new US Air Force Space Command squadron ... will conduct experimental space-based demonstrations and pathfinder projects.
For instance, the center is looking at ways to provide focused storm alerts or warnings ... through a program called "State Warn." Government networks and the Internet will be used to alert citizens of a particular municipality or county that a tornado is approaching - but to a much higher fidelity than is now available. Rather than send an entire county's residents into storm shelters via blanket tornado siren alerts, Internet-based radar images of a specific storm cell might necessitate only those in its path taking precautions.
I hope this is just a non-met savvy person writing a technical article. I realize NWS polygon warnings are not doing the job they were intended, I don't think "space test pilots" should be using Internet radar imagery to fine tune tornado warnings! Hopefully NWS will get polygons working, or another source of warning info utilized, before this hits the streets. Has anyone heard of it before?
- Rob
A new US Air Force Space Command squadron ... will conduct experimental space-based demonstrations and pathfinder projects.
For instance, the center is looking at ways to provide focused storm alerts or warnings ... through a program called "State Warn." Government networks and the Internet will be used to alert citizens of a particular municipality or county that a tornado is approaching - but to a much higher fidelity than is now available. Rather than send an entire county's residents into storm shelters via blanket tornado siren alerts, Internet-based radar images of a specific storm cell might necessitate only those in its path taking precautions.
I hope this is just a non-met savvy person writing a technical article. I realize NWS polygon warnings are not doing the job they were intended, I don't think "space test pilots" should be using Internet radar imagery to fine tune tornado warnings! Hopefully NWS will get polygons working, or another source of warning info utilized, before this hits the streets. Has anyone heard of it before?
- Rob