Load Balancing - Cradlepoint Router

Mark Blue

Former owner (RIP)
Feb 19, 2007
After Matt Tottle's post about Sprint losing roaming partners in eastern Colorado, I'm going to try load balancing today on the High Plains with a Sprint and Verizon data card. My question is this: Do you have to use 2 separate amplifiers (one for each data card with the appropriate cable), to achieve an amplified signal for both data cards when using a Cradlepoint router or is there a Y adapter of some sort so only 1 amplifier is needed? I hope this makes sense as it never occurred to me until I was playing around with it at home today before heading out this afternoon. I have a direct connect amplifier - the Rockies model.
Nice. This is exactly what I thought would be needed. It appears this device has multiple uses as well according to the description on your website. FWIW, my connection was bullet proof yesterday and load balancing worked like a champ via the Cradlepoint firmware. Now if only I could afford to have 2 data cards with different carriers all the time!
Your best solution would be our new LTE multi band wireless amplifiers . They handle up to 8 devices at once even on multiple carriers . Just waiting on the FCC to give our final approval
I presume you'll let us know as soon as they become available, and you are right about the LTE model being my best choice down the road. Only problem for me is that I'll be switching from Sprint to Verizon soon, so load balancing is a short term luxury as the 2nd modem I used is also on Verizon. It will be fun to play around with while it lasts though.