Linking To SPC Images?


Feb 11, 2012
Athens, TX
Not sure where to post this but will try here. I've emailed the "contact" address noted on SPC's website but never received a response, so maybe someone here knows.

I'm looking into building a website (for mobile and desktop users) geared towards US & Canadian truckers and wanted to have a "Weather Section" and would like to include the current Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 convective outlook images from the SPC website when the user request to see that particular topic. Does the NOAA site allow this? (Hot linking or inline linking)

I would also like to have a Atlantic Tropical Outlook and Winter Precip Accumulation Forecast map from other NOAA sites.

Thanks in advance.
I've seen many a chaser website in my day that had the SWODY 1,2, and 3 Outlooks on the main or secondary page, so it shouldn't be an issue. Looks like we tapped into their RSS feed on our homepage to accomplish the end result.