LOL Shane.

Next year when I pass a vehicle with a guy's head out the window yelling I'll know it's you...
Holy crap! I gotta get me one of those Greg. I've been missing out!

Hmmm that gives me an idea. Maybe I will just set up the whole top like this:


THREE lightbars and all sorts of other useless stuff to make people ask questions! LOL
I have a VERY small roating amber beacon for use in rural areas only. However, notice the DOW trucks and such. Very littlie in the way of warning lights, and these folks are actually "chasing" for research purposes. IMHO, keep em small and don't draw pubilicity in a situation that doesn't need it.
I use to have a small amber LED that mounted on the rear view mirror in my front window. I sold it recently. I personally don't see a great need to deck my vehicle out with lots of lighting garb, but I don't look down on those who do. I don't understand why some people get so upset about this topic. If you feel the need to have amber lights for safety purposes, then by all means go ahead. However, I do agree that folks who run them all day for show or for ego enhancement only end up making themselves look goofy.
I use to have a small amber LED that mounted on the rear view mirror in my front window. I sold it recently. I personally don't see a great need to deck my vehicle out with lots of lighting garb, but I don't look down on those who do. I don't understand why some people get so upset about this topic. If you feel the need to have amber lights for safety purposes, then by all means go ahead. However, I do agree that folks who run them all day for show or for ego enhancement only end up making themselves look goofy.

How exactly does the single amber light on the FRONT help you Jesse?
How exactly does the single amber light on the FRONT help you Jesse?

I did little to help me. In my experience most vehicles don't slow down (coming from the front or the rear) anyhow for vehicles parked on the side of the road, so you're responsible for your own safety. I purchased it as a safety precaution to use when parked on the side of the road. I didn't have a need for it anymore, so I sold it. I figured the $80 was worth more than the use of the light.
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but if you are pulled over on the side of the road, why was it on the FRONT?

Have you ever chased on narrow, rural roads? Around here, they are pretty narrow and I've had more than a few close calls from oncoming traffic traveling on narrow, rural blacktop roads. On the flip side, people often tend to travel well above posted limits on these roads too.
The way I look at it, there are two issues that I'm certain of with regard to vehicle lights:

1.) Somewhere out there an Air Canada captain has noticed the landing lights missing on his 737 while doing his preflight walk-around.

2.) You'll ALL see ME coming in 2008.......muaaah hah hah HAH!!!!
Here in SD green is for Communications, ICS, id be careful ridden up here with those...
1) I have a small amber 2-LED deck mounted bar in my back window. I only use it if I'm pulled off the road in low visibility situations (i.e. don't hit me!). The lights are remarkably bright and you can change the flash pattern. I keep them year round for dense fog/blowing snow situations where I may need to stop. We'll all heard of those massive car pile-ups where people happily drive a highway speeds under low visibility conditions. Add wet/icy roads and meyhem ensues. On the few times I've used the flashers...people do slow down as they pass. I also use the car's flashers in these situations.
2) the use of car flashers is OK. Most auto manufacturers flash the red lights on the back. Red, green and blue aren't as visible to the human eye as yellow or white. Police usually switch to the yellow/white strobes when they are stopped on side of the road.
3) our U of Manitoba storm-chasing course has a rotating strobe on the last vehicle of the group for the same safety purposes. Again, used only when stopped and off the road.
4) I bring a magnetic rotating strobe if I'm involved with a multiple car chase. It's handy to have if you've split up. If they are trying to find me, I pull on to a side road and put it on. They can easily see me from a distance.
5) our U of M course also requires that all drivers wear a safety vest. This also helps when they exit their vehicle (everyone else exits to the ditch side but they can only exit on the road side). The vests also help with passing drivers to slow down a bit. It works remarkably well.

By the back windshield of my car, there was a metal bracket that was supposed to be used for securing a child safety seat (I think). Anyway, I removed it and placed a small rotating amber light in that window solely to supplement my hazards.

It's actually come in quite handy outside of storm chasing. I've witnessed a couple of wrecks on the highway and since my road flares wouldn't work that light really helped "illuminate" my visibility...both to passing cars and emergency services that responded.
From the lurker... I keep two sho-me amber multi-led flasher units on the back deck for use when pulled off the side of the road. With so many bobbleheads talking on cell phones, messing with iPods or whathaveyou, I want to make sure they see me before they start drifting off the road towards me. Which they seem to be doing with more and more frequency these days. I commute two hours a day to work and return and can speak from experience. With that being said, I make it a habit of NOT parking in front of a fellow photographer when the flashers are on. Should be a "well DUH" statement but you'd be surprised.