Les Lemon will be in chat April 28th @ 7 PM CDT

Dec 26, 2004
Booneville, KY
Well, being April 28th is almost upon us, I wanted to take the time to alert anyone who isn't already aware, that Les Lemon will be a guest in chat on Apr 28 at 7 PM CDT.

I don't think Les needs any introduction, but I will say this: If you have an interest in anything weather radar related, tomorrow evening should be enjoyable to you. So feel free to stop by the chat and check it out and ask questions.

You can access the room by going to either of the following links:

http://www.stormchasers.org/chat/ (enter a name and click the little green arrow)



The room to join is #stormtalk

And of course, if you're an IRC user, just log on to irc.slashnet.org

For those who can't be present, I will save a log for you and post it in this thread following the conclusion of the chat.
Mr. Lemon is a recognized authority in severe thunderstorm and mesocyclone structure and evolution and speaks extensively on these topics. He is known internationally because of his discoveries, "The Lemon Technique,â€￾ his supercell model, and his weather radar and severe storm applications and interpretation training, as well as design and development of NEXRAD for which he received an AMS award.[/b]
Les Lemon Web Site
