Kansas Lawmaker Pushing to Ban Storm Chasing

Well, I actually think it might be a good idea to have one state completely free of storm chasing--and Kansas seems like a good choice...so I think i'll contact the Kansas legislature and propose a ban--jokes on you!
Well, I actually think it might be a good idea to have one state completely free of storm chasing--and Kansas seems like a good choice...so I think i'll contact the Kansas legislature and propose a ban--jokes on you!

Stan, are you attempting to ransom the entire StormTrack family? OK OK....how much will it take $$ to buy you off ?
Jeff, I didn't have the go-naders to click on the link you provided, I actually covered up one eye with my hand and squinted with the other as I read all the responses first! I'm not kidding, I figured it might be an April-fool's joke, but speaking very honestly....you did have my blood pressure on the rise because in my heart I feel that one day in the not too distant future we'll all see a headline like this....and it won't be a joke. Anybody who has been in the StormTrack family for many years may remember that I have been saying that one day in the not too distant future we're likely to see some publicity-seeking politician make an effort to get a law against storm chasing in the books. I have also been screaming as gently as I can that "we" storm chasers who chase responsibly need to have a real, level-headed discussion about this, without any finger-pointing or ranting...about how we as a group can band together and using every media source possible, educate the public about all the truly POSITIVE things that storm chasers bring to the forefront. Some examples could be: Chasers are THE EARLIEST warning entities available when svr. wx. is eminent by providing ground truth to warning-issuing personnel at the NWS, we also are often the EARLIEST people on the scene that are able to relay accurate messages to 911, Law Enforcement and Ambulance Personnel, I could go on and on, but I'll wait to a more appropriate time. Anyhow, I don't wish to hijack Jeff's thread, but I thought I'd plant the seed that we had better have our ducks in a row BEFORE real legislation becomes law. Personally, I think chasing has needed some positive attributes injected into the public conversation for a few years now, it seems as if momentum has been on the side of those who wish to bash chasing...primarily due to a handfull of irresponsible chasers....mostly local newbies. But we all suffer because of it. If anybody has any ideas as to how to get the ball rolling, I'm all ears. And HAPPY CHASE SEASON EVERYBODY!!
This is serious stuff. When they recruit Rick Ashley to promote the bill you know it's important. I recommend we start an amendment to the bill requiring Nyan cat be excepted, as it is constantly flying and may pass through KS space without warning during a severe event.
The Wichita Eagle is reporting that a Kansas state senator is trying to get a bill through the both houses that effectively bans storm chasing in Kansas! I never thought such a law would ever pass or be enforceable, but the plan is very well detailed. If enforced to its full extent, it would make it damn near impossible to get away with chasing in Kansas.

See the article here (includes a link to the bill text): http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/state-supreme-court/article16705595.html.

Please discuss!

Damn you so much
I have little doubt that someday there will be a serious attempt at doing just this...and when it happens, we will have no one to blame but ourselves. Some of the stunts I've seen out there are just begging for a law. We need some serious self policing. But in other news....good joke!
IMHO...the day any state bans storm chasing, is the day people's lives are put at serious risk.
Ok....I see your perspective.....but.....still....that would be a bad move, in my eyes.
I have little doubt that someday there will be a serious attempt at doing just this...and when it happens, we will have no one to blame but ourselves. Some of the stunts I've seen out there are just begging for a law. We need some serious self policing. But in other news....good joke!

It's an April Fools' Joke but this is why I tweet annually:

RT @KC5FM: Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the Official Oklahoma Storm Chaser chase vehicles: http://bit.ly/1a6dHXh ‪#‎OKwx‬ ‪#‎BESAFE‬

Kansas people have expressed thoughts about this before:

"So many people were chasing severe weather in parts of central Kansas during the weekend that roads were jammed and emergency responders were hindered from doing their work, some central Kansas safety officials said." http://usat.ly/1azF110

"Kingman County Sheriff Randy Hill said his attempts to track and report developments of an intensifying thunderstorm moving toward Reno County were thwarted by chasers who were blocking roads." http://bit.ly/1NUJSrF

These are not new. Those were from 2012 or so.

More recently, "The incident has prompted calls for regulation of storm chasing, including from the president of the Kansas Emergency Management Association in the heart of Tornado Alley." http://bit.ly/1azFBMa I am sad this occurred but, as Steve Marshall pointed out, it's a matter of time before enough folks in enough States enact legislation.

Here's what I wrote in 2010. My thoughts have not moderated in five years.

On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 12:00 AM, WX-CHASE automatic digest system
<[email protected]> wrote:

> Is it time for chasing legislation
> to help control these unruly, dangerous convergence situations which are
> very difficult for towns such as Hennessey, or Kingfisher Oklahoma as they
> were last May 19th, or are you against legislating chasing? Why, what are
> some of your ideas or views on this subject?

As strongly as I feel about this subject, list members may be
surprised that I am NOT in favor of chasing legislation.

I AM in favor of CHASERS calming down and self-regulating, if you
will, their dangerous activity. I'm in FAVOR of certain popular TV
CHASERS acting like Human Beings, on and off camera. I am ALL THE
MORE in FAVOR of CHASERS modeling safe behavior when they are
streaming their video for all the world to see.

The video of the TIV barreling down the road across TWO double yellow
lines is but ONE example of unsafe CHASER behavior. Watching the
CHASERS stream their OWN video and my thoughts have already been
documented at http://kc5fm.blogspot.com/search/label/Skywarn

I AM in favor of Skywarn training and credentialing. IF you are a
Skywarn spotter, you have had spotter safety training. If you are
stopped for some vehicular infraction and have no reason to be their
(documented by a Skywarn "card" of some sort), you will face increased
scrutiny by the officer. That's how it works in Jackson County,
Oklahoma, USA. I have already told my troop commander words to the
effect that my spotters are not above the law. I have ridden with a
number of my spotters and some have ridden with me. They all know
expectations. I am convinced that they will continue to meet

The Skywarn program, if I understand correctly, will become a truly
National program with uniform training. Spotter SAFETY will be part
of that training. Much like the SpotterNetwork process of vetting
individuals in a certain subject matter, the training will produce a
person entered into a National database. Mess up and I suspect that
entry in the National database will be removed.

NO! I am not in favor of increased legislation. I am in favor of
individuals doing the right thing without being told all the time what
the right thing is.

I hope you can find the time to write your safety plans this year. I hope you can quit streaming unsafe actions. I hope you can find the time to contact the LOCAL emergency management office to report what you see. I hope you will be a part of the solution rather than continue being part of the problem.

The Wichita Eagle is reporting that a Kansas state senator is trying to get a bill through the both houses that effectively bans storm chasing in Kansas! I never thought such a law would ever pass or be enforceable, but the plan is very well detailed. If enforced to its full extent, it would make it damn near impossible to get away with chasing in Kansas.

See the article here (includes a link to the bill text): http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/state-supreme-court/article16705595.html.

Please discuss!

Just another reason for my dislike of the government! OKAY, YOU GOT ME!
The Wichita Eagle is reporting that a Kansas state senator is trying to get a bill through the both houses that effectively bans storm chasing in Kansas! I never thought such a law would ever pass or be enforceable, but the plan is very well detailed. If enforced to its full extent, it would make it damn near impossible to get away with chasing in Kansas.

See the article here (includes a link to the bill text): http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/state-supreme-court/article16705595.html.

Please discuss!

Man, you got me hook, line, and sinker! Good one!