Jotto Desk height question

Mark Blue

Former owner (RIP)
Feb 19, 2007
I own a "no holes mount" Jotto Desk, model number 425-5315, or the one found here:

My unit came with the standard 10" vertical tube assembly, which is basically the metal tube that rises from the floor. This set up worked perfectly in my car, but I have a new 2009 Nissan Murano and the desk height seems too short. I think the way to fix this issue is to purchase a longer "telescoping rod" that fits inside of the vertical tube assembly. The telescoping rod that came with my unit is also 10" in length.

For those who chase in SUVs and pickup trucks, can you advise me if you had to buy another length of telescoping rod and if so what length did you buy to make the desk the correct height. The website lists a 12" model, but their flyer also mentions a 14" model. Thanks in advance I appreciate it.
I drive a Ford Escape and when I first got my Jotto desk, I thought I'd need the taller one. But, after using it, I'm glad I saved the money because there definitely is such a thing as too high when mounting it.
I think I need something like 2 more inches to make it work, but 3 or 4 would be preferable. I know what you mean by "too high" as I've used mine in our prior vehicle (car) for three chase seasons, but mine is too low even with the telescoping rod raised to the top notch. It's nearly impossible to get in and out of the vehicle as it's right on top of my lap. Any other posts with the length of your telescoping rod or other configurations would be appreciated!
I ordered the 12" telescoping rod from the Jotto website and it afforded me the extra 4" I was in need of. Just thought I'd post in case anyone else runs into this problem in the future. One would think you would only gain 2" when upgrading from the 10" rod to the 12", but it actually buys you an additional 4" which is exactly what I needed.