Darren Addy
Don't know how many here have 3D Printers (or want an excuse to get yo'self one)
but I found this to be very interesting:
Here's a nice overview (a PDF of a Powerpoint presentation from late 2017): http://www.un-spider.org/sites/default/files/21. UNSPIDER Presentation - Mwangi.pdf
Here is an article about the initiative on UCAR: https://www.iepas.ucar.edu/core-programs/3dpaws/
Interesting quote at the end under "Example Applications":
A separate part of this, which also looks interesting (but may not be for the general public?) is CHORDS (Cloud Hosted Real-time Data Services). This is essentially a "shrink-wrapped" package that lets you log into your AWS (Amazon Cloud) account and install a portal that connects your weather station observations to "Big Data" in the cloud.
What is CHORDS?
A link to UCAR's CHORD portal along with others.
Now a 3D printed weather station is probably not going to be robust enough to put on your chase vehicle, but this might be a cool way to create a mesonet, particularly if one got some funding. These are two of the most exciting projects (both 3D-PAWS and CHORDS) that I have seen for a long time.

Here's a nice overview (a PDF of a Powerpoint presentation from late 2017): http://www.un-spider.org/sites/default/files/21. UNSPIDER Presentation - Mwangi.pdf
Here is an article about the initiative on UCAR: https://www.iepas.ucar.edu/core-programs/3dpaws/
Interesting quote at the end under "Example Applications":
- Regional weather forecasting
Observations from the 3D-PAWS network can be assimilated into regional numerical weather prediction systems such as the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF: http://www.wrf-model.org) model to improve mesoscale weather forecasts.
A separate part of this, which also looks interesting (but may not be for the general public?) is CHORDS (Cloud Hosted Real-time Data Services). This is essentially a "shrink-wrapped" package that lets you log into your AWS (Amazon Cloud) account and install a portal that connects your weather station observations to "Big Data" in the cloud.
What is CHORDS?
A link to UCAR's CHORD portal along with others.
Now a 3D printed weather station is probably not going to be robust enough to put on your chase vehicle, but this might be a cool way to create a mesonet, particularly if one got some funding. These are two of the most exciting projects (both 3D-PAWS and CHORDS) that I have seen for a long time.