Inspeed and Calibration

Apr 15, 2005
Upper Midwest
Hi everyone:

I was chasing last night near Fergus Falls, MN and let a nice little shelf hit me. When it hit, I had my Inspeed up on the top of my car, and I registered a 79 MPH wind gust on it.

Two things I am curious about:

1. Is there a way to calibrate these things? I'd like to make sure it is accurate.

2. Can anyone check the KFFM Metar site from around 23:30 to 23:59Z yesterday, June 18th, 2009? I'm curious as to what that site reported, as I was only a few miles SW away from the site.

You can check the last numerous METARs for a site at

by inputting the number of observations you want to go back, and the 4 letter station ID (KXXX). The site tries to open an advertising popup.

Since KFFM is an AWOS site, it doesn't appear to have a PK WND remark, so there is no guarantee that the highest wind gust on those MTRs was the highest recorded by the AWOS.
Eric, I would try driving down the highway with it on a calm night and seeing if the reading on the anemometer matches your speedometer. Set the cruise control and let it go for a few minutes to get an average reading.