Inside a Recent Milan Italy Tornado

It's amazing that this photographer didn't get seriously injured. This video shows huge wads of debris virtually surrounding his office building, swirling outside his window. It's one of the most spectacular tornado videos I've seen, and interestingly shot from an European locale.
Stephen, we're not new to tornadoes in that zone. For example, that place was hit by three EF2-EF3 tornadoes (don't ask me if EF2 or EF3 because I don't remember) from 2001 to 2013. Another strong tornado touched down in May just close to Trezzo d'Adda.
It's a mistery zone such as the El Reno-Ok City zone or Greensburg zone where tornadoes tend to touch down more easily.

By the way I am really amazed at how those glasses did stand up to the pieces of sheet irons, it seems impossible they made it to not fall to pieces.
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