Incredible high-resolution photos of the Stoughton tornado

I don't think they're video stills, Karen. They're too high-res for that unless it was an extremely high-end, professional video camera (doubtful).

I do agree that it was probably a local citizen and not a chaser-someone with a little more balls (or a little less brains, either works in this case :lol: ) than me.
Even if it WAS a chaser, the images are pretty sweet. The fact that they got so close is pretty cool IMO. Criticize all you want, but everyone is out there for something different -- yet we all have something in common: It's what we love.

But I ultimately have to agree with Andy that it was a citizen, NOT a chaser.
Originally posted by Mike Peregrine
The last shot is wild.

Anyone else think this anonymous photog is still picking the grass and debris from his lens?

My guess is that if this was taken by a chaser, they want to remain anonymous for fear of being pounded for being so close.

im not trying to start anything, but as a friend of a balls-to-the-wall chaser, why would you "pound" someone with more balls than you? you take a chance when you get that close, and it's commendable. its called passion. i know that most of you are gonna pull this safety stuff. cool. some people have nothing more to live for than their passion. and they go for it. now instead of being condescending, give them the respect that they deserve.

my guess at who took it is a friend named Randy Hicks. and the reason he would submit it anonomously is because he doesnt want the glory. he doesnt want his name known. why? because he has met alot of other chasers. and they treated him like S**T because he didnt go to MET school or because he doesnt have a weather station on top of his car. they were condescending, unwelcoming, and just mean.

he will get twice as close as you. is he a yahoo? no. does he know everything about weather? no. is he crazy? maybe a little. but why bash him for that?
Originally posted by mike scantlin
safety + crap.

Okaaay. Well - that's the first time I've heard those two words used together in the same sentence when talking about chasing. Well done. I think you're the first. And hopefully the last. Good luck to you. :roll:

Unless anybody *actually* knows for a fact that these images were taken by a chaser - I think it's pretty safe to say it was a citizen. I just can't shake the feeling that they really probably wouldn't thank anybody for being commended for "being so close" - more likely they were petrified. I know I would have been even if I had happened into the position deliberately.

Andy - wish we could figure whether they're video stills or still stills! They are awfully large - too large to have been pulled from regular mini-DV captures. :?

I guess when we boil it down... In the view of the GENERAL PUBLIC, we are all stupid and irresponsible. It's all in the eye of the beholder I guess...

I probably wouldn't get that close, but I'm not going to turn around and call it stupid and irresponsible - that would be pure hypocrisy.
Andrew - my apologies for getting off topic. Those really are some interesting pictures and I'm glad you posted them.

To avoid getting defensive or letting things get off anymore than they have, I took this to my blog instead. I'm actually glad that Robert made the point he did in the last post, because it's definitely been on my mind a lot lately - - -
Has anyone considered the possibility that they were taken with some form of zoom lens and in fact they really weren't all that close at all? My partner has a lens for his new digital camera that could put you right in the debris field from quite a distance.
The pictures were all taken with a
Toshiba PDR 3330
Shutter Speed 1/14 - 1/15 sec
Aperture F4.8 - F4.9 (could be the F scale of that one) :unsure:
ISO 100
All taken 7/16/2005 6:24 pm

All this is assuming the properties weren't edited.
Those are some incredible shots! I kept wanting to adjust the zoom and pull back maybe just a bit. T'would be my guess it was a non-chaser who shot them...if it was one of us, we'd would definitely have heard about them before now. Those are for sure some reach out and touch shots!