Im a new user here

Dec 4, 2004
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Im a new user here but i have been reading topics and discussions for a few months and decided i would try and join and vwala. im here. I see some people i have met and chased with this last year on the Forum such as AMOS M. and Tony L. whats up guys. any way just saying hi to all of you wounderful people :D. I hope to learn what i can through the discussions I read hope you all can check out the site as well.
Hi Kurt. Welcome to StormTrack! I see you're from Michigan, or "the other side of the pond" to a Wisconsinite. Seeing some good LES, I'll bet. :D :D :D

Welcome aboard, buddy. I was laughing reading your May 12 big-hail story on the other topic. I remember somebody in our group was so stunned by the size of it that they thought it was debris from the tornado at first. That was a fun day.

Hey Kurt...look forward to some good discussions with you. I remember running into you at the rest stop near Galesburg, IL on the afternoon of May 23rd this year.
Hey, someone from my stomping grounds! Maybe we can hook up when spring rumbles in. I live in Caledonia and work at Zondervan, out by the airport.
New user

Welcome to Storm Track Kurt!!
Looking forward to tracking some storms with you next spring!
Welcome aboard Kurt! Yeah, May 12 was some killer times! Hopefully we'll have a chance to enjoy such fun again next season! Post yourself well and have a ball, dude!
