IL Manufacturing Plant Proves Severe WX Plans Saves Lives

Great reads. Remarkable indeed that they escaped inujry in this case, and I have a good respect for the plant owner and his concern for his employees.
The owner of the plant is involved in Woodford County ESDA (emergency management agency), either he or a close relative is the director. I've found Woodford County ESDA is very well organized and trained.

One thing I would like to see are the hardened shelters that saved the employees. I haven't seen any pictures featuring those areas.
NOAA probably has those, I'm sure ILX and the national survey team took some shots. I believe I got some as well, I'll try and find them.

NOAA probably has those, I'm sure ILX and the national survey team took some shots. I believe I got some as well, I'll try and find them.


When I was there the day afterward with the first ILX survey team, they were not allowing people to get that close to them, so I had no pictures. But I went through our files and found a couple taken 2 days afterward by a couple other staffers.

Chris G.

