Hurricane Dennis 88D temporal composite

Nov 6, 2004
Dodge City, KS
I was in a graphical artsy-fartsy mood today, and whipped this one up in Paint Shop Pro, since I had all the 88D imagery archived from StormLab:

<img src=>

Mike U
Originally posted by rdewey
Wow, that's pretty sweet. Wish I could do things like that :( :lol:

Honestly, I have far too much time on my hands during these summer doldrums ;-)

Probably took me a good hour, using layers and masks in PSP9. I like doing creative things like this that are meteorology related. I'll probably put more of these temporal evolution graphics together showing neat morphologies of convective storms and whatnot.

Mike U
That's pretty sweet Mike. I don't recall seeing anything like that done before. Now, can you do it in animated 3D graphics? LOL!!! j/k

The convective stuff would be awesome...especially showing the morphology of a cell into a big, raging hook echo! Oh wait...I think I just wet myself. LOL!! it May yet? Or at least a fall system on the horizon? This danged powerful upper ridge baking us like a rack of biscuits in the oven is getting old real fast.