I know several people tried to do Hurricane Chasing Tours and even Blizzard Tours a while back and it did not work. Unlike the tornado chasing tours, you are on call 24x7 to try and fly into a location that is shutting down and as others have said you will have zero services.
I did manage to chase Hurricane Michael, you can read my write up on the blog
www.hurricanemichaelblog.com that details the crazy events from that chase where only skill, knowledge and a little luck got me to be able to drive through the right front quadrant of the Cat 5 and surf the surge into the eye of the storm where the blue sky lasted only about 10 minutes while hearing the lightning and roar a mile away as I was in the calm with birds flying over head. I've also chased the insane 2004 and 2005, 2008 2011, 2016 hurricane seasons and rode out Katrina in New Orleans and got the heck out the next day when locals started pulling guns on others and total chaos started to take place as rescuers were stopped by the flooding on the interstate.
I thought about doing the tour thing for a long time with a few people that keep asking to tag along but several factors get in the way. Do you know this person? Will they panic and freak out in the eye wall? Will you get along with this person? If they are in their own vehicle and they break down, what are you going to do? I can pretty much count on one hand the number of people I would chase a hurricane with and trust them with my life. And that is just it, you need to trust them with your life.
As for parking garages, a lot of places are just kicking people out of parking garages now for liability. You might get lucky with an AirBNB but even then, they might kick you out. I know in hurricane Matthew, my hotel shut down and kicked everyone out. All the AirBNB options said no because the Governor of Florida put out a mandatory evacuation order. You could try and stay with all the other media but most cases they stay out of the worst due to insurance liability.
One thing that I will remember after Michael was the fact that after the storm, I did find people that were messed up. Then it was another 90 minutes before I saw another soul so I was walking around ground zero thinking other then the injured I had to help out, was I the last one left alive?
Hurricane chasing is Not Storm Chasing. A tornado takes out a town, just go to the next town over and get food, fuel, hotel, and anything else you might need. Hurricanes take out cities and entire coastlines, counties and as others have said you have to be self sufficient for everything from food, fuel, water, bathroom and what do you do when you find you are the only one on scene to help injured people in a evacuation zone that did not evacuate or worse yet, coming across someone that has passed away.