HREFv3 graphics/evaluation

Jeff Duda

site owner, PhD
Staff member
Site owner
Oct 7, 2008
Denver, CO
The High-Resolution Ensemble Forecast system, formally known as HREF, is up for some changes coming up likely next year in time for severe weather season. Most of you are probably already familiar with the current operational version, v2, and our own long-term member @Brett Roberts has designed a slick graphics web site for SPC's version which they call v2.1 (SPC HREF Ensemble Viewer - 500 mb wind/height, ens mean).

sidebar said:
NSSL has a similar web page for their experimental WRF and FV3-based CAM flavors here)

A webpage for version 3 (including a description, verification, and a link to a graphics page) can be found here: HREFv3 Official Evaluation

Additionally, the model evaluation group at NCEP is soliciting responses to a survey on how HREF is being used in the community. If you would like to submit feedback, use this link: HREF survey - usage and preferences