One of the best Satellite imagery sites on the internet from NASA has announced that they now allow you to select your own area specific satellite imagery (with selectable zoom or loop) and place a direct link on your personal webpages. This will be extremely useful to Storm Chasers, enthusiasts and Hurricane buffs as they can have their favorite images and loops right on there own webpage.
Here is the link (look on the left side of the page for options to personalize imagery:
Here is the link (look on the left side of the page for options to personalize imagery:
<H3>Examples showing how to obtain weather satellite pictures
We are providing the capability for you to embed links to your favorite satellite maps on your personal web pages or bookmarks. Several examples are provided, all you need to do is mimic these links and choose your location of interest. We are also making the assumption that you have some knowledge of the HTML language. You can still obtain data using our traditional method from the weather image links provided above.
This is an example of the latest infrared satellite picture of the Eastern United States . The map is centered at latitude 35 north and longitude 87 west. The image dimensions default to 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels high. An infrared image is also returned by default. The URL used to obtain the eastern US picture and what you would put in your web page:
<A HREF="http://wwwghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/get-goes?satellite=GOES-E%20CONUS&lat=35&lon=-87&zoom=2">Eastern United States</A>
An example of an infrared image of the San Francisco Bay area. This map is centered at latitude 38 north longitude 122 west.
<A HREF="http://weather.msfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/get-goes?satellite=GOES-W%20PACUS&lat=38&lon=-122">San Francisco Bay Area</A>
Perhaps you would like to see the development of tropical systems over Africa and would like an output image 800 pixels wide by 300 pixels high and want to color code the infrared image. The link used to obtain this satellite map would be:
<A HREF="http://wwwghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/get-goes?satellite=Meteosat&lat=7&lon=-3&width=800&height=300&palette=spect.pal&zoom=2">development of tropical systems over Africa</A>
Perhaps you would like a zoomed in Animation sequence. The link to obtain the sequence:
<A HREF="http://wwwghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/get-goes?satellite=GOES-E%20CONUS&lat=35&lon=-87&zoom=4&width=350&height=250&type=Animation&palette=spect.pal">Animation sequence</A>
Or, maybe you would like an animated overview of water vapor images. This link is quite simple.
<A HREF="http://wwwghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/get-goes?satellite=GOES-E%20CONUS&overview&info=wv">animated overview of water vapor images</A>
For our friends down under in Australia and New Zealand The link could be.
<A HREF="http://wwwghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/get-goes?satellite=GMS-5&x=143&y=214&zoom=2&width=600&height=400">Australia and New Zealand</A>
Several examples of how you can implement a frames based set of your favorite sectors. You can watch the weather in your location as well as the location of friends and family. Just download the pages to your web space use them as a template and modify appropriately.
Frames examples Protocol specification for obtaining sectorized weather satellite maps
NOTE: All option settings are case sensitive.
Mandatory settings with arguments and no default values.
satellite= GOES-E%20FULL GOES-East satellite map
GOES-E%20CONUS North America weather pictures
GOES-E%20NHE North Hemisphere Extended Sector
GOES-E%20HURRICANE Hurricane images
GOES-W%20PACUS 1 km Pacific imagery (PACUS Sector)
GOES-10 Pacific imagery
GMS-5 Weather maps of Australia and Japan
Meteosat African and European imagery
Global%20Composite Global satellite pictures
x, lon= depends on size of image and the satellite (longitudes are negative in the western hemisphere (for example, North America) - use the satellite links above to determine x, or lon) y, lat= depends on size of image and the satellite (latitudes are negative in the southern hemisphere (for example, South America) - use the satellite links above to determine y, or lat)
Options with arguments and their default values.
Default values specified with other allowed values listed in { }
map= standard, {county, latlon, none} (not all maps available for a satellite) zoom= 1, {2, 4} (zoom 4 is not available for some satellites) info= ir, {vis, wv} past= 0, {1-30} (get the nth image ago) palette= ir.pal, {spect.pal} mapcolor= black, {red, green, blue, cyan, gray, orange, yellow, magenta, white} quality= 55, {25-100} (Image quality. A value of 55 has artifacts but fast download; 100 equates to no artifacts but slower download) width= 800, {200-1000} height= 600, {100-800} type= Image, {Animation} numframes= 6 {1-30} (Used in conjunction with type=Animation and overview) Options without arguments
overview - animate the overview image of the satellite you chose, using numframes (defined above).