Homemade/DIY Chase Equipment

Apr 14, 2014
Norman, OK
I wanted to create this thread for anyone who has any designs or plans for DIY equipment used in their chasing. Homemade can often be much cheaper in terms of pricing, and offer similar quality to commercial products. Recently, while looking for a decent laptop mount for the vehicle, I realized that many were >$200. I decided to look at the possibility of creating a mount of my own, eventually finding some neat designs on the internet. I then modified rig to also include a 360 degree camera mount, which I've been trying to implement into my vehicle for a while now. The entire thing ran me less than $20 in PVC pipe, is surprisingly sturdy, and isn't very intrusive. And even though I had many of the materials laying around, I still don't see how a similar rig would cost much more than $30 or $35 (not counting the laptop and camera, of course).

I wrote up a log on the process I went through, which can be read here.

Here's the finished product for anyone who doesn't want to read the entire write-up. Don't mind the mess in the car lolupload_2016-2-17_16-0-18.png

If anyone else has any cool designs for equipment (other than maybe hail guards, as there are already a ton of threads for those), feel free to share!
Great thread! DIY is the way to go. I've gone the route of buying junk versions on my car's interior parts to modify. Then if something breaks, I still have original parts left.