Brian Stertz
"sustainable model of eco-living and one that will save it from future environmental catastrophe."
That one had me scratching my head too. What are they some how going to divert the dryline bulge through Greensburg? Surface lows will from now on only bottom out over Medicine Lodge instead of Liberal or Dodge City somehow?? Will the Hollywood greenies build a 10,000 ft. Gore-esque LL wind flow diversion wall ? Protect it from future environmental catastrophe...are they freakin serious?
Maybe they should plan on what the people that live there actually want and need. I guess their ideas could include brilliance like making the town one huge tornado safe room & energy efficient cave with no windows...and make everybody in town become blind pasty white cave people.
These people need to recover first before shoving outside ideas down their throats. Then watch them throwing cash at it and bailing when the project fails and the newness wears thin. Somehow I can see this being a South Park episode sometime. Respect their
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