Hollywood wants to rebuild Greensburg?

"sustainable model of eco-living and one that will save it from future environmental catastrophe."

That one had me scratching my head too. What are they some how going to divert the dryline bulge through Greensburg? Surface lows will from now on only bottom out over Medicine Lodge instead of Liberal or Dodge City somehow?? Will the Hollywood greenies build a 10,000 ft. Gore-esque LL wind flow diversion wall ? Protect it from future environmental catastrophe...are they freakin serious? :rolleyes:

Maybe they should plan on what the people that live there actually want and need. I guess their ideas could include brilliance like making the town one huge tornado safe room & energy efficient cave with no windows...and make everybody in town become blind pasty white cave people.

These people need to recover first before shoving outside ideas down their throats. Then watch them throwing cash at it and bailing when the project fails and the newness wears thin. Somehow I can see this being a South Park episode sometime. Respect their authori-tie....um-kay.
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The only people that should have any say so as to how to rebuild Greensburg, are the residents of the town themselves. The state and federal government should help facilitate the needs of the residents, not Hollywood. Hollywood stars like to make people think they're trying to make a statement about, or contribution to, something bigger than themselves. Unfortunately, what some of them really want to do is look down and dictate, and condescend to people that their way is best. Some of the Hollywood types wouldn't know what Global Warming, let alone Severe Weather, was, if Gore, or one of their cronies didn't tell them. Remember, these guys are entertainment artists, not atmospheric scientists. The only kind of models a lot of them know, or even care, about are runway or swimsuit models, not numeric ones.
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The ecofriendly idea was brought up at a town hall meeting for residents and it received overwhelming support. Nothing is being pushed on anyone. There are some really cool things happening in Greensburg. Some residents left, but those that decided to stay and rebuild have seemed very positive in my vists. It's basically a group of people taking a vacant section and building a town. Folks are swapping houses/vacant lots on a handshake to rebuild exactly where they want. A previous state proposal to reroute hwy 54 (scrapped as there houses in the way), locals asked the state since there isn't a single house in the way now to come in and move hwy 54. The "Green" thing is more hype than anything. It's simple things like triple pane windows, energy efficient appliances. From everything I'm hearing, nothing is being forced on anyone. The folks that stayed are looking past the disaster, and seeing this as an opportunity to rebuild the town exactly how they want it.
I think going green for Greensburg will be great. I wouldnt even be opposed to an actual movie about the tornado being made. Think Twister with an actual plot and actual good actors. Every cent made from the movie should then go back into helping build Greensburg. It would be interesting to see who and who didnt audition for the roles knowing they wouldnt be making a salary....or their salary was going to Greensburg. I am sure SOME good big name actors would do this in a second.....wouldnt they?