Hollywood wants to rebuild Greensburg?

Oct 29, 2004
Olathe Kansas

I don't know what to think about this really. I would like to see this town get back to normal, but I'm not sure that Leonardo Dicaprio should be rebuilding the town "ecofriendly." Seems like they saw the idea of a town with "Green" in it, and a horrible tragedy and are going to profit from it by rebuilding the town"their" way.

I'd assume that small town people aren't as open to new things or people and probably would like to be left alone, not on a 13 part series that will air sometime next year. Whatever the residents want, I'm for, I guess.
There were AP articles weeks ago about the state's plan to rebuild Greensburg ecofriendly. Don't think the idea originated in tinseltown.
There were AP articles weeks ago about the state's plan to rebuild Greensburg ecofriendly. Don't think the idea originated in tinseltown.

I just came across this article a few days ago. That's fine that they want to build it ecofriendly, but a 13 part series for people who have already have seen enough cameras in the past 3 months seems a little too much.

Do you have a link for the article, because I've heard nothing about it?
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I read the article and noticed they had "Stormchasers" debuting Oct. 6. Anyone heard of this show coming out?

I understand people dont need any more cameras but the idea is to help put money into the town and rebuild it if I am correct? I see that as helping people out as long as they dont do this for money or entertainment.
I know Jim Reed had a camera crew from the Discovery channel following him around during the 2006 chase season for some new tv series they were going to do. I'm not sure if this is it though. On that deal, I think they had camera crews will four or five different types of chasers, like Reed, one of the tour groups, a college student, and one or two other people. Unfortunately that was the worst chase season in the last decade (at least). I think several of the people that were being followed never even got a tornado that season, so I'm not sure if that show is still going to happen or not.
As for the green Greensburg project, I seriously doubt that the people of Greensburg thought this all up on their own. "State's plan"? The state shouldn't have any say in how the people want to rebuild. It's private property. Each individual should be able to rebuild however they want to. A guy ought to be able to put up a coal furnace to heat his house if he wants to.
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"sustainable model of eco-living and one that will save it from future environmental catastrophe."

So they have found a way to protect Greensburg from future violent tornados and severe storms? :confused:
If I'm going to worry about eco-living and sustainability, Greensburg KS isn't the first place I'd think of. Actually, I wouldn't worry much about the midwest at all. I'd be curious how eco-friendly and sustainable Leonardo's house is.
Each individual should be able to rebuild however they want to. A guy ought to be able to put up a coal furnace to heat his house if he wants to.

I completely agree. For this reason, I think rebuilding would have to be limited to those who want it. In no way should the state, or any other government entity, tell the local Joe Schmo how he should rebuild... let alone give Hollywood any dictation over it.
Don't know. All these fames are all the same. Bono says the same: 'be eco-friendly and give money to the weaks'. Yeah sure! At least don't say this while aboard of your PRIVATE JET.

If I'm going to worry about eco-living and sustainability, Greensburg KS isn't the first place I'd think of. Actually, I wouldn't worry much about the midwest at all. I'd be curious how eco-friendly and sustainable Leonardo's house is.
Not to get off topic, but Cris's post reminded me of something that was extremely funny concerning this topic. A while back they posted a list of celebrities that were big into promoting more environmentally friendly means of living and then showed examples of their hypocrisy. There were dozens of them that flew on private jets. They named that celebrities most recent trip on their private jet and the amount of fuel that would have been consumed on that trip. I don't know how exactly they did it, but they transfered the amount of jet fuel that would take into gasoline to put it into perspective. It was incredible. I don't recall the exact numbers, but it was something like you could drive a suburban around the earth twice with the same amount of fuel that was consumed in some of those trips on a private jet. And that was just one flight. They fly those jets everywhere and then they have the audacity to tell me to drive a Prius.
The funniest one of those examples was John Travolta where they showed an aireal photo of his house and he has two airplanes parked outside of it (one of which was a damn big plane) on a private community runway.
In that article they mentioned that Leonardo was actually one of the few green celebrities that actually tries to put his money where his mouth is. They said he flies on regular commercial airlines instead of taking a private jet, so I have to respect him a little bit for that.
I'm all for trying to keep the environment clean, I just hate it when people use scare tactics and defunct science to further their cause. Like Gore saying hurricanes and tornadoes are increasing due to human output of carbon dioxide.
If they're going to rebuild Greensburg as an eco-friendly town, then that's cool, but it should be the choice of the people of Greensburg, after all, it's their home and so it should be their decision.

"sustainable model of eco-living and one that will save it from future environmental catastrophe." <---- That is pure lack of knowledge about severe weather, and anyone who believes that, are only fooling themselves.

"sustainable model of eco-living and one that will save it from future environmental catastrophe." <---- That is pure lack of knowledge about severe weather, and anyone who believes that, are only fooling themselves.


So are they going to build steel renforced concrete homes that will survive tornadoes and save on the electric and gas bills?
"sustainable model of eco-living and one that will save it from future environmental catastrophe." <---- That is pure lack of knowledge about severe weather, and anyone who believes that, are only fooling themselves.

Might the "environmental catastrophe" they are referring to be the effects of global warming as opposed to the assumption it is severe weather? I've just glanced the article, but I think the statement may be taken a bit out of context.

I think it's an interesting idea, and opportunity, for the town to make the effort if it's their choice.
Hey guys :)

If the peole of Greensburg are going to have eco friendly housing, then that's great, as long as that is what they are would like, but at the same time, I feel that if the eco friendly houses are built, they should have at least 1 room, that has got steel-reinforced concrete walls, so that they have a much better chance of survival.

I'm not so sure about the idea though of there being any kind of TV series being made about Greensburg, because I would imagine, that they would want to just get on with life as best they can, especially since I'm sure that they have seen, God knows how many TV cameras, etc, which would be entirely understandable.

I don't know why, but I feel that the phrase that I quoted, just seems a bit flippant towards the unpredictablity and as to how dangerous that the weather can be, but I guess it's just how I'm thinking of it.

I thought about whether they meant global warming in the article when they referred to an "environmental catastrophe", but it didn't make sense that way to me. The comment that eco friendly living that "would save them" from future environmental catastrophe doesn't make sense for global warming. No matter what house you live in it isn't going to save you if there was the apocalyptic climate change that some of these people are proclaiming.
If they did mean global warming in that statement, then it is one hell of a leap to claim that global warming is going to cause an "environmental catastrophe". I hope to god global cooling starts in the next few years just so I can see all the fear mongerers back peddling on the planetary melt down they were predicting.
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