Highest and lowest pressure at OKC

Dec 4, 2003
I only have 1977-1989 data on hand, but here's the result of an analysis I made on Oklahoma City's climatology.

The highest pressure recorded at OKC 1977-1989: 31.02" at 16Z on December 24, 1983. This was associated with a morning low of 1 and daytime high of 3 degrees. The morning low was set at 16Z (10 a.m.), giving some idea of how strong the cold advection was. This system produced some of the longest periods of subfreezing temperatures ever recorded in Oklahoma and north Texas -- on the order of 10 days if I recall. That 1058 mb high is about as strong as it gets... 1060+ is extremely rare in the conterminous U.S. You can't accurately extract altimeter setting from SLP since the latter uses temperature-based reduction factors, but 1058 mb is in the neigborhood of 31.25".


The lowest pressure recorded at OKC 1977-1989: 29.18" at 10Z on April 1, 1983. The center of the low was north of OKC, as winds were mostly southerly all night shifting to northwest with the arrival of the front.
Corpus Christi indicates 23F with a N wind at 25 on 12/24/1983.

My hometown of Orange, TX stayed below freezing more than 48 hours with this event....Piered houses weren't the best for pipes.