Help wanted: Moderator

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Dec 4, 2003
Anyone who would like to serve as moderator may throw their name into the hat here by replying. A public vote to determine a winner will be held August 14-20.

When replying, please briefly list your weather background (2 to 5 sentences) so it can be added to the election announcement.

The duties of moderator will require you to participate on Stormtrack at least every few days. This includes overseeing discussions to make sure they are courteous and nondisruptive, as well as participating as time permits in the internal decisionmaking processes.

Tim Vasquez
I'll throw my hat into the bucket.

I started with storm spotting some 25 years ago as an EMT in Sedan, KS. One of our duties was to go out and spot severe weather way back then. I've been doing it on and off since then. I'm currently a part-time media chaser which keeps me pretty local since I report to a radio station. I've been actively "chasing" the last 4 or 5 years and strive to learn as much as I can. No formal education in meteorolgy, but certainly an amateurs perspective.

John Diel
Anyone who would like to serve as moderator may throw their name into the hat here by replying. A public vote to determine a winner will be held August 14-20.

When replying, please briefly list your weather background (2 to 5 sentences) so it can be added to the election announcement.

The duties of moderator will require you to participate on Stormtrack at least every few days. This includes overseeing discussions to make sure they are courteous and nondisruptive, as well as participating as time permits in the internal decisionmaking processes.

Tim Vasquez

I'll also throw my hat in the ring. Considering I was one of the proponents for change within ST, I'd like to help keep ST on the correct path.

My interest in severe weather and chasing began in 1999 after the Jan. 21 tornado outbreak across Arkansas. I've chased the Plains every year since, learning much and meeting some great people along the way. I consider chasing to be the main aspect of my life, and ST has always been a part of that aspect. IMO, quality within the forum is of the utmost importance.

Thanks for the opportunity. More information regarding me and my chasing can be found at

Tim - this forum has continued to grow and it is really an undertaking for any one person. I also appreciate the fact that you have so much more on your plate than just the ST forum in life - and to this end........I offer my hat into the bag, also........

I was one of the first members of the original Stormtrack forum when it was initially set up, and one of the first moderators. I briefly took over Administrator position during the period in which Tim left to tend to more pressing matters (i.e. fatherhood - yey Tim!!!!!), and also attempted to steer the board through the Viper Alley infringements. But anyway.....

I chase severe weather and write with a passion about all I experience out on the Plains - and have done since 2002. I chase with my husband Gene Rhoden - and more of what I am about can be found at the link contained in my signature.

With my new ST account having been opened in early 2005 - I take a passionately-passive (?) approach to Stormtrack but tend to speak out on particularly important or interesting threads. I no longer let myself become inflamed by online discussion. I approach everything and design my conduct with logic.

I have ample time on my hands Mondays through Fridays every week - and am online most of that time during the day.

That's all, really. I apologise if this post is a little too long.

Karen Rhoden
Think there others that are more accomplished then I that would be selected, but here goes.

I've been interested in storms since 1997, and have been accually been chasing for 3 (Started off taking pics from my bike with a Wx radio strapped to it.) I Have been learning more and more about meterology, starting to study it on my own starting around 2000. In my brief time chasing, I have seen about 4 tornadoes, 1 here in CT, and have been on at least 112 severe storms (Not too shabby for Connecticut). I visit the forum multiple times every day, and I am beginning to become more active here, so I would be able to fulfill what is needed to be Moderator.

Thanks for considering Tim, this is a great site and i'm glad to be a part of it.
I've been chasing storms on the plains regularly since 1994. I've got some good tornadoes under my belt, and have experienced a wide range of other severe weather as well. From 2001-2003 I was a volunteer firefighter and also conducted storm spotting duties during that time frame. I try to attend some of the yearly severe weather conferences and workshops, and I do enjoy the continuing education.

Although I'm fairly new to the ST community (joined February 2005), I've tried my best to contribute to the discussions as much as possible, and I do very much enjoy the topics. I think the changes to the forum was a great idea and is for the better, and I'm very proud to be a member of this community. If I were to be selected as moderator, I will do everything in my power to ensure this discussion board maintains the highest standards and quality.

I'm online frequently during the evening and overnight hours as I work night shifts, so time isn't an issue for me.

I guess that's about it in a nutshell.

Thank You for your consideration.
I'll run for the mod position, quit laughing.

As for my background, I'm a competant chaser. That's all that should matter.

As for my contributions to this forum, I contribute. That's all that should matter.

What does matter, is that I would have no fear in taking a more authoritative stance in forum matters, and that I have plenty of time to tend to ST matters.
Regardless of my recent history, which should've never taken place, I think I would be a good moderator.

Vote for me.

Don't laugh, I'll put my name into the hat. I don't have much to say, but I'll try.

I've been interested in weather for several years, since I was ten or so, and I've studied as much as I could from books and internet sources. This past spring, as part of my senior project (a period of a month in which the seniors at my school do an independent study/internship), I interned at the NSSL with Pam Heinselman. Mostly I learned more about meteorology, such as reading weather maps and hand-drawing the isotherms, isobars, isodrosotherms, etc. I also studied with Pam a bit about her personal research project about radar reflectivity.

It was then, while I was in OK for the period of a month, that I began storm chasing. I'm continuing my study of meteorlogy in college.

I'm online a fair bit, mostly at the end of the day and I am on Stormtrack at least four times a week.

That's what I can offer. Hope it will do.

Well, I'm also throwing my name in the hat...

Although I'm fairly new to ST, I'm not even close to a "newbie" when in regards to weather. I've been interested in weather since I could pick up a book to read; I'd be the one begging my parents to take me to the library so I could read as much as I could about weather, especially thunderstorms and tornadoes...

My interest in storm chasing sparked on July 18, 1996 when a devastating F5 tornado hit Oakfield, WI -- about 20 miles from where I live. I can remember begging my parents to take me chasing, (as I was only 15 at the time and couldn't drive), but they wouldn't. I ended up sitting outside watching the greenish-grey sky to the north.

I started chasing pretty heavily when I turned 18, making at least one trip out to the plains per year. I would make more if my work schedule and finances would allow. I end up pulling a lot of all-nighters driving out to the plains on Saturday and returning Sunday. I was a part of the 5/22/04 outbreak in Nebraska, where I caught a tornado near Columbus. I spend 90-95% of my online time on weather sites, and visit this forum four to six times per day, and feel I have plenty to contribute to it. Thanks for the opportunity to help serve Stormtrack!!

I'll jump in and offer myself as a candidate for moderator. I am a senior meteorology major at Purdue and have been chasing since 2002. I have been a member of this board since the first days (day 2, I believe) and have long pushed for a return to Storm Track's chaser-oriented roots. I served as a moderator for several months on the forum. Except when out of town, I check ST several times a day. I've been making a lot of noise on here lately, but its only been to spur action to improve the quality of ST.

I reckon I'll run for the moderator position. I think I'd enjoy being a moderator if chosen.

My name is Melissa Moon and I am a senior at the University of Oklahoma studying meteorology. Like many others, I've been interested in weather since I was a kid. I've been chasing ever since I was 18, with the exception of this past season which I spent studying weather in the Southern Hemisphere in Melbourne, Australia. Before studying abroad, I worked at NSSL as a student research assistant, and I've participated in two meteorological field studies (TELEX and Joint Urban in OKC). I think I'd be a good moderator because I'd bring balance to the board, since I represent both the chasing and the meteorological community.
While perhaps not a formal approach ~ well perhaps it actually is!

Personally I would like to moderate and ferment a more International arm of ST2. I live in the UK I would therefore offer my services during times that you are all asleep! While I am awake. (from a mod point of view this has significance) Also as an international chaser I face many unique challenges before I even reach the USA shores and can certainly sympathise with others in my position.

More over I do come with a track record. I co-own and run the largest Weather forum over in the UK (4000 members). And over the 4 years that it has been running I have certainly seen my share of issues etc

Ether way we are all here to chase or talk about chasing – so I am more than happy to continue as a contributor.
I will throw my name in the hat also.

I was born and raised in Wichita and have had an interest in severe weather for as long as I can remember. A few years ago I took the only meteorology class my school offered and I did an independent study on mesoscale meteorology this spring, but aside from that I have learned what I know outside of school. I never knew anybody that chased so I had a pretty tough time for my fist two seasons. I think ultimately it was a good thing though because it only made me work harder at forecasting and chasing. I have been storm chasing now for four years and I think I have come a long way since I started. I had good success over the last couple of years, but I have also had my fair share of busts to go along with it. When I am in Kansas I chase for a local TV station and take a great deal of pride in warning the public. Storm chasing has become my passion and there is no time I am happier than when I am out chasing.

I think I would make a good moderator because I spend a lot of time on the forum and I like to think I keep an open mind. I know I would do my best if I given the opportunity and I would appreciate your vote.
Hello all,

I'm not as gung-ho a chaser as I would like due to family life, but I still usually manage to plan a 10 day trip every spring with some college buds, and at least a couple day chases a year with friends/co-workers.

My meteorology background includes a B.S. degree from Valparaiso in 1999. I then worked for five years doing satellite analysis with the Air Force in Omaha, doing such things as tropical storm position/intensity estimates, dust analysis in the Middle East/South Asia, snow depth analysis, and worldwide volcanic ash analysis. For the past year I have been at Weathernews in Norman (which moved from the San Francisco area), filling several roles in providing vessel routing support.

Finally, I have been playing massive multiplayer online RPGs since 1999, and have a lot of experience with message board moderation and administrative functions. None as large as Storm Track, but some of the player guilds I was in had over 100-150 members.

Thank you all for considering me.

Best regards,
John Massura
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