Help w/ Cingular dialup connection w/razr

William Combes

I have a RAZR phone with Cingular service and need some assistance connecting to the net. When I fire up Earthlink and try to connect, earthlink sends the call initiation to the phone. You can see the # show up on the phone and try to dial however I get three fast beeps on the phone and it immediately disconnects. I'm not sure if I need an initialiation string or what I am doing wrong. I have the Cingual unlimited data plan and can successfully connect through the GPRS network. I searhed Google and nothing. Anyone have any ideas???? Sitting at the Holiday Inn in OKC and starting my chase with F5 Tornado Safaris tomorrow. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I have a RAZR phone with Cingular service and need some assistance connecting to the net. When I fire up Earthlink and try to connect, earthlink sends the call initiation to the phone. You can see the # show up on the phone and try to dial however I get three fast beeps on the phone and it immediately disconnects. I'm not sure if I need an initialiation string or what I am doing wrong. I have the Cingual unlimited data plan and can successfully connect through the GPRS network. I searhed Google and nothing. Anyone have any ideas???? Sitting at the Holiday Inn in OKC and starting my chase with F5 Tornado Safaris tomorrow. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

You need to have the feature enabled on your account. If you actually want to dial into an ISP (as opposed to using Cingular as your data source), you'll use something called "Circuit-Switch Data" (CSD). Call Cingular to see if you can get this added to your account... A few folks on Howardforums had this, and I think it was $4/mo or something. I'm not sure that they offer it anymore, however. I'd think that they'd drop it since it is relatively antiquated and slow -- plus, they want to push you into the GPRS/EDGE (and now UMTS, though coverage is limited to several major cities attm) world.
Circuit Switch Data is no longer offered by Cingular anymore. They no longer support or sell it. And the billing system that all of us are in dosen't have the ability to use grandfathered features. I have had a few people still ask for it when I take calls and then proceed to be cussed at cause I can't change the rules. Boy those people are gonna be mad when we finally pull the plug on analog, then tdma!
Thanks for the replies guys....Actually the GPRS has been working awesome today. I'm replying from the road just S of York, NE. I guess dial up from the cell is truly dead!!!