Heat Burst at Mitchell, SD today

That's a pretty interesting happening. Thanks for posting the link. Does this part of SD experience this occurrence very often?

I wonder if they renamed the Corn Palace to the Popcorn Palace?:D
Do these only happen out in the plains? I've never heard of them happening in the midwest. Very interesting.
It takes an observation point for it to even be picked up. Since there are storms ongoing in the area, at least now-a-days, it's probably a good bet that someone will see it in the obs as its happening. Also, during the two heat bursts I've experienced, some pretty strong winds were produced due to the collapsing storm...high enough that High Wind Warnings were issued.
South Dakota has quite a history of heat bursts, I think one of the WFO's used to have a page on it and I do believe Mitchell had quite a heat burst before. Though I think some of the more pronouced one's were during the overnight, 27 degree change would certainly get anyones attention.