HARV's Tornadic Adventures of 2010 DVD

Nov 23, 2009
Urbana, IL
This is our first year selling a DVD so we'll see how it goes. 2 hours of footage from our best chases this year, including EF-2 damage in Fair Oaks, AR at night and our very close encounter with the Yazoo City tornado. May 10th in Oklahoma was a good day (which also was HARV's first hail test) so there is plenty of footage from that day too

$20 for the DVD and can be pre-ordered now. I am willing to trade with other chasers for their DVD's

Trailer to DVD (before we renamed the DVD): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2k5DYC_kJE

Pre-order the DVD here: http://midscar-chase-team.webs.com/apps/webstore/products/show/1752085
DVD's have arrived so their now on sale. $20 which includes shipping.

Again, I am willing to trade DVD's. Just PM me if you want to go that route.

The link to buy the DVD is above this post. You'll receive it in the mail in 1-5 days after purchasing. Thanks for the interest!
Just wanted to do another post and let those know the price will be staying at $15 until i'm sold out of them. For those who have bought a copy, let me know what you think! So far, i've had some nice comments on it and it would make a good Christmas gift. Enjoy!

Still willing to trade too. If interested, just PM me
Watched this last night at Skips house.

While it is always interesting to see how peoples chase seasons went, most of the chapters were definitely allot longer than they needed to be. There was allot of aimless driving around footage where not much was happening that seemed to make up the bulk of most chapters. Not many tornadoes on the DVD which isn't necessarily a bad thing because we all know tornadoes don't always happen, but if one is going to make a DVD that lacks tornado footage, there needs to be some better editing to make it fun to watch, at the very least some music would have been nice. But watching a dash cam of a vehicle driving down a highway at night for 10 minutes leaves me hitting the FFW button quite frequently

If its one thing this DVD illustrates well its how difficult night spotting can be, and the freeze frames of nighttime features were a nice touch that can open up some good discussion amongst the people you are watching it with. The overall presentation of the disc was very nice and professionally done, but we did have some trouble getting the menu to work.
Chris and his dad are quite animated and you can feel the tension and excitement in their dialogue. Its definitely fun listening to the duo in their more intense moments.

There are some nice high contrast shots of funnels on the May 10 chapter. That was probably the highlight of the DVD for me.

Like Adam mentioned, some of the chapters are a quite lengthy. There were some photogenic shelf clouds shots that would have made great timelapse segments set to music (although I'm biased in that area). Some constructive criticism would be for more concise editing, trimming out the parts where little is happening, and adding music during lengthy sections with no dialogue.

There was an introduction tot he "HARV" at the beginning, which was nice. I would have like to have seen this expanded upon more. Maybe some video shots of the construction of it, and perhaps a few hail test demos?

The DVD is packaged very well with a professional print job on the insert and on the disc. Overall, I think most will find the dialogue on the disc entertaining along with some interesting structure shots and funnels, but also that some of the sequences are on the long side.
Thanks for the tips guys. My first DVD...so a lot to learn here. Time lapses are one thing i'd love to do...but haven't been able to figure it out with the program I have (Pinnacle Ultimate Studios 14)

Our dialouge can be...interesting...to say the least. Comical at other times. One improvement I want to make there is to be less chatty as some people don't like the chatting

Again...thanks for the tips. I appreciate it
I did get a chance to watch the DVD last night, since one of my friends had made the purchase..

I did like the introduction about your HARV, and was ready to watch some tornadic adventures unfold.. I did like Skip's idea about maybe expanding on this more.. Maybe if you do any upgrades for 2011 you can get some video of the upgrades for next years MIDSCAR production.

One thing I liked is how you would freeze frame and show the "features" way off in the distance.

You definitely had some good structure shots in there from some beastly gust fronts and updraft bases. Wish I could have seen some tornadoes, though especially from Yazoo City and May 10th, but at least you got the HARV out there to dominate some hail. Sounded like some hail made it through all that strong fish net on May 10th though!

You guys were up close and personal with that damage footage from May 1st though! That cop car got messed up! Nice shots.

Overall, I would cut out a lot of pointless driving, but I enjoyed the dialogue, and the "features" that we got to watch!
I bought this, and have to say that I really thought for $7 this was a great value. We watched after the season finale of Storm Chasers.

The dialog was great, especially between you and your dad. You captured some good structure shots and I too liked the freeze frames. You really did a good job at capturing the difficulty a first or second year chaser would have at identifying certain features in storms. I was definitely reminded of my first season.

The first half was definitely faster than the second half. I found myself becoming bored and focusing more on my beverage than the TV in the second half of your DVD. The scenes while you were driving down the freeway could have probably been cut, and would have made the DVD flow a little better.

My favorite part was your dads ringtone. It got a lot of good chuckles in the room.

For a first DVD, you definitely did a pretty good job. You proved that you don't need to see any photogenic tornadoes to have a good season.