Happy anniversary to me!!!

Jun 12, 2004
South East Wisconsin
Today is my 7 year anniversary of seeing my first tornado.

May 15th, 1999, near Stockton KS.


Doug Raflik
[email protected]
(crickets chirping)

Since eveyone else is too busy praying to the SDS Gods for deliverance, I'll take a moment to say Congrads :)
Happy Anniversary Doug. Good to see a chaser recognizing personal tornado anniversaries.
Hey Doug-- This is actually an interesting idea and might keep things interesting as we sit patiently. My anniversary won't be until July, but I don't have a pic. Nice! Hope there are more days to remember soon.

Happy anniversary, Doug-- and very cool pic!

I think anniversaries are cool to celebrate. I celebrated my 20th anniversary last year on September 27. I wasn't actually chasing back in 1985-- I was only fifteen-- but I didn't need to chase that one: the eye came right to me. Gloria's 1985 strike on Long Island was my first hurricane after I'd developed such a rabid interest in the topic, so I remember it fondly. Harsh eyewall gusts rattled our house and tore a huge tree out of our lawn-- but I still remember it like a first kiss. :D

Unlike you, I am not fortunate enough to have any pics of my first experience.

Happy anniversary. How you doing?
Dr. Eric Flescher

Happy anniversary, Doug-- and very cool pic!

I think anniversaries are cool to celebrate. I celebrated my 20th anniversary last year on September 27. I wasn't actually chasing back in 1985-- I was only fifteen-- but I didn't need to chase that one: the eye came right to me. Gloria's 1985 strike on Long Island was my first hurricane after I'd developed such a rabid interest in the topic, so I remember it fondly. Harsh eyewall gusts rattled our house and tore a huge tree out of our lawn-- but I still remember it like a first kiss. :D

Unlike you, I am not fortunate enough to have any pics of my first experience.
