Hail Storm Kills Zoo Birds, Injures Others

Randy Jennings

May 18, 2013
Fort Worth, TX (NBC5, 3/17/2016) - Hail the size of golf balls that coated parts of North Texas broke windows, damaged police vehicles and killed exotic birds at a zoo. The Fort Worth Zoo delayed opening by about two hours Thursday following the early-morning storm that left eight birds dead. Spokeswoman Alexis Wilson said the hail killed five flamingos, a pelican, an ibis and a swan chick. All of the birds that died were outside, in their normal habitat. Several other flamingos and ducks were treated for injuries.The hailstorm during one of the busiest times at the Fort Worth Zoo -- Spring Break -- also broke skylights and other windows at the complex. Several Arlington Police Department patrol cars had windows busted during the hailstorm that knocked out electricity to thousands of Dallas-area residents.


My comments: This event was a part of a series of elevated storms that dumped large hail (some as large as 2.5") over large portions of north Texas. NWS LSR reports 23 MedStar Ambulances had to be taken out of service due to hail damage. This mornings' FWD sounding had a surface Td of 45 and CAPE of 0, but a much moister and unstable environment aloft (MU CAPE of 1514). SHP whisker's plot suggested hail around 2".