GRLevel2 or 3? is this best Radar Software?

Feb 7, 2011
Longmont, CO
I was wondering if anyone could tell me the difference between GRLevel2 and GRLevel3, They are both the same price and not sure which one is more effective! Im an amateur chaser beginning my first chase season and want the best and most features available for what I can afford! Also is this the best Radar software available? I notice many people using this software, If not what is? I Downloaded the trial version of Weather Defender not sure if I like it though, I Really like the looks and features Barons Mobile Threat Net, but the hardware required is well out of my price range! what do you guys suggest as I will be using this software out in the field with my HP laptop running Win7 when I chase, and also what ISP's are most reliable for mobile internet? price-wise as well, I know I have alot of questions, but I just want to get it right, I dont have hundreds of bucks to just waste trying out this and that! Thanks for the help and all suggestions. :)
GrLevel3 only displays level 3 radar, which is a lower resolution than level 2. GrLevel2, as the name suggests, displays only level 2 radar. Downloading level 2 radar files takes up much more bandwidth than level 3 to the point that its still impractical to use level 2 while you're out in the field. Use GrLevel2 at home, and GrLevel3 in your car.
Grlevel3 is what you would want to start out with since this is your first chase season. Level 2 data is more in depth but also from what i ahe heard requires a true broadband connection, like in home internet. Everyone here recommened to me Level3 and i haven't looked back. I love the program and for $80 buck's and a celluar data connecton. Can't be beat. There are also dozens of posts about the two on here if you search. Welcome to StormTrack and storm chasing.

EDIT: Darn Skip beat me to it! :)
GR3 is the most practical for use in the field. It's faster, eats less bandwidth, and has a few bells and whistles that you'll probably appreciate, including VAD wind profiles. GR2 offers finer granularity and more tilt levels, but you really don't need all that for chasing.

GR3 also delivers far better detail than Barrons. The only advantage I can see to Barrons over Gibson Ridge (GR products) is the fact that it's satellite rather than Internet, and a number of chasers rely on it as backup when they can't connect with the Net.

By the way, you don't have to spend any money to try out GR3 (or GR2). There's a free trial period--not sure how long right offhand, but at least a couple weeks--during which you can play with GRLX to your heart's content without cost or obligation. Seriously, Mike Gibson's products are terrific, hugely customizable, and completely devoid of gimmickyr--plus, Mike's updates have always been free. You just can't beat GRLevelX. The reason so many chasers use GR products is because they're just that good, and they're amazingly affordable--the best you can get for a very modest cash outlay.
Thanks to those who posted about the bandwidth differences between the two GR products. I have both, but in the interest of optimizing my connection when on the road I will stick with GRLevel3 when chasing.
If you're in an area with good coverage (3G or better) you should have no problem with L2 files...
That's true, but there are plenty of 3G data holes out there. Not to mention that when you get 30 chasers on one overloaded tower, even pulling down one radar scan can be a challenge.
That's true, but there are plenty of 3G data holes out there. Not to mention that when you get 30 chasers on one overloaded tower, even pulling down one radar scan can be a challenge.

Very true and with the much larger size of the files for level2 you could run over your usage limit.

You can download them both and try them for free. GR3 comes with the free NWS feed
but GR2 only has one free feed via ISU.

I think most would agree, GR3 would be the way to go in the field.

Barons is overpriced and for the most part being replaced by the GR products and mobile Internet.

..Also is this the best Radar software available?..

.. and also what ISP's are most reliable for mobile internet?

Hi Mike! Nothing wrong with questions, however you would do well having a look around the forum a bit to refine what you want to ask since there have been massive discussions on the questions you are posing here.

In any case, you'll find a large number of folks here using GR3, including myself. For me, the clean presentation and ability to configure many parameters make this a winning application for my needs. In addition I'm not a fan of the "subscription" model that some applications use (unless there's some clear advantages to the data stream provided in those cases).

As for an "ISP", I'm sure you're aware that you will be using a cellular provider for this. Sprint/Verizon appear to have the best coverage available in the plains (there are many "holes" however); AT&T is virtually useless anywhere except major urban centers.

Thank you everyone for your Help I really appreciate you all! My apologies for not searching the forum prior to asking I will remember that in the future! GRLevel3 it is!!! You guys are all awesome!