GR Level 3 Problem

Apr 17, 2006
Owasso Oklahoma
I tried to find a answer to this on the owners forum with no luck. I just installed GR3 to my new computer with the 1.73 version. I can not get storm attributes to work. No tracks, meso or tvs or hail. The box is greyed out and the check box showes checked but you can not change it. Any one seen this issue?
Hmmm...try going to Windows at the top, and check the "Show Storm Attributes Window." If you have that checked, and the Storm Attributes checked under Products, it should work.
Hmmm...try going to Windows at the top, and check the "Show Storm Attributes Window." If you have that checked, and the Storm Attributes checked under Products, it should work.

And if it doesn't work, you may want to take your question to or Lots of very helpful advice for all things GRLX in those forums. I love 'Stuff in particular--great site!
Like others have said, go to products--go down towards the bottom and make sure storm attributes is checked. I can guarantee you it's not. That will solve your problem. Also, this may not have anything to do with your problem, but always make sure Grlevel3 is not running whenever you download an update. Some screwy things can happen when that occurs.