GPSGate & Windows 7

Oct 29, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Need help...

I can not get GPSGate to work with Windows 7, 64 bit. Everything looks good except no other devices can see the GPS data on the virtual com ports.

GPS is working....
GPSGate sees the GPS....

Everything was so easy on VISTA....

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Hi, Jeff

I've had several applications that didn't work in Wíndows 7 64-bit.
But I managed to work around the problem with this smart feature.
Windows virtual pc. You can download it from here:

I don't know, if it works with GPS-Gate, but you could always try. However I did get GPS-gate to work on my laptop with win 7 64-bit without Windows virtual pc, but not wothout a lot of trial and errors.

I've had a smooth time with it (delorme, SN, with a BU353) . If needed, I've got a guy that can help (via team viewer if necessary).

What programs, GPS device are you using, trying to use?
With the 64 bit Operating Systems Microsoft appended (x86) to the programe location path - this has caused quite a few issues over the years as programmes written pre 64bit just dont undertsand the (x86) bit.

Would have been better to use (x64) fot 64 bit programme paths and leave the 32bit one alone!
Fixed the problem by removing the program and reinstalling and moving the driver to the correct folder. Only took 12 hrs.....jeez.

Thanks everyone,
