GPSGate Question ...

Dec 13, 2013
Yorkton, Sask. Canada
Hey all!
I have had GPS Gate since about 2014 without issue.

I have recently got a newer laptop (but still win7) and am in the process of installing everything to the new one.

I ran into an issue with GPSGate that I am really hoping perhaps one of you may be able to assist with .

I have it running and it says COM4 connected and running ok BUT when trying to split it, is where I am having the issue.

It says [5] failed to create virtual serial port , on every one and no matter what I have tried, cant get it to work.

I traditionally use 2. One for my Spotter Network and one for GRlevel 3. It working for the Spotter Network but nill for GR3.

Any suggestion or advice would be fantastic!
Hey Ryan,
Myself as well as a friend have had this issue.
I'm trying to remember how I resolved this problem once before.
If I recall it's a Windows issue, not GPS Gate. I will get back to you once I remember.
Perhaps you've gone to their help page but I'll post a couple links from their site that might help anyway.
Sometimes those pesky Windows updates muck things up, especially permissions in device settings.

GpsGate Splitter – GpsGate Support
The application cannot see Virtual COM Ports GpsGate has created
Make sure you're not trying to output on the same COM port that is occupied by input or another device. Not as common anymore, but still a problem.
Hey guys! First off, thanks a great deal for ideas, tips whatever one wants to call it. Much appreciated for you taking the time to help!!
I got it working !!!

I am thinking somewhere, possibly a bad driver or something never installed correctly ?

So what I did ....
Tried various steps from people's suggestions - nothing worked.

Mad and frustrated quit for a couple days (lol).

I uninstalled GPS Gate and then reset the laptop.
Ran C-Cleaner and did a temp clean and registry clean. From there manually searched the drivers to make sure all was gone.

I then uninstalled the drivers for the BU-353S4 USB GPS puck and then reset the laptop.
Ran C-Cleaner and did a temp clean and registry clean. From there manually searched the drivers to make sure all was gone.

Reset the laptop one more time.

I then went to the GPS Gate and Globalsat websites to download the most current downloads I could find.

Installed the driver for the USB GPS first. Everything looked good so ran Spotter Network to test and connected without issue.

Reset the laptop.

I then plugged the usb GPS in and then installed GPS Gate. It showed no issues so opened up GRLevel3 and turned on GPS. It showed me my options of which COM to pick (which it wasn't doing before), picked one ... and it worked !!!