John Farley
In light of the incident in SD yesterday, I thought I would start a thread about the reliability of GPS versus detailed paper maps like the Delorme state Atlas and Gazateers. I guess I am really "old fashioned" in the regard that I use the latter. However, I have never had the problem of the map showing a road that was not there or ended when it should not have according to the map. (Maybe I am just lucky, but it doe raise some questions in my mind.) Yes, the paper maps do get outdated and contain inaccuracies, but usually that takes the form of the presence of some new road that was not on the atlas. I did get confused about my location once because of this, but it did not cause me any danger. So here are my questions:
Are the GPS systems more prone to showing roads that are not there than the old paper maps? And if the answer to this is "yes," might not the paper maps be a better option?
Are the GPS systems more prone to showing roads that are not there than the old paper maps? And if the answer to this is "yes," might not the paper maps be a better option?