I have used the DeLorme puck for a while and I concur that it is almost trouble free, at least on the hardware end. The problem I have had with it is that it requires the use of DeLorme Serial Emulator, then you have to use Franson GPS Gate to be able to use the GPS with other programs. I use GRLevel3, DeLorme Street Atlas, and Spotter Network so I have to use GPS Gate to spread the GPS data around.
I have had problems getting things to communicate a couple of times. The DeLorme Serial Emulator is just another thing in there that needs to be troubleshot when you are on the road and on the storm. I decided to go with the Globalsat BU353 to eliminate the extra piece of software I have to run. I have yet to chase with it, but many swear by it. It seems to be rugged and I think it locks in more quickly than my DeLorme. My DeLorme is about 4 years old now, so the newer ones might be quicker.
As far as laptops go, I have a Toshiba with Vista and it seems to be stable and runs all of my software just fine, save for the GPS issues I mentioned. But I had the same issues last year with my Dell D610 running XP. But if I had my choice I'd buy another
Itronix GoBook. They are rugged, weathertight, have touch screens, and the screen doesn't wash out in sunlight like both of my current laptops do. But they are pricey. I had one for a few years and used it my first year of chasing. Other than becoming obsolete, it was the best notebook I ever had. Touch screens are the sh** IMHO, especially when you have to check something beside the road.
As I mentioned before, screen brightness is something that I will look at more closely in the future when buying notebooks. They do tend to wash out in sunlight. I have found that if you are following a storm sometimes the setting sun comes in the back window and washes out the screen.
I'm still new at this and many of these guys have a lot of this stuff down to an art. I just thought I'd share some of the pitfalls I recently experienced.