GPS suggestions.

Apr 29, 2009
I'm shopping around for a GPS unit right now and was wondering if I could get some suggestions. The price tag is going to need to be around 300 bucks and also be able to receive weather updates out of the box (much like how some GPSes support traffic updates out of the box) or could be hooked up to a regular XM Radio receiver, (I do not have XM Radio, the car I got used and has it) yes I know most likely I will need to pay at lease 10 bucks a month for it then, but I will see if I can work that out. I was looking at this until I saw that it required an additional 250 for some antenna. This car is not going to be used for chasing and I want the weather so I know what to expect as I am driving around mostly to and fro college during breaks, and just so I don't end up driving my self in to a bad storm (Yes I know that is ironic for a storm chaser board, but the car has a soft top).
Seems like a lot to spend with lttle return.
You may be better served by having a separate weather radio and Garmin unit. With a soft top/comvertible, wouldn't you be concerned for someone stealing this expensive unit by using a knife to cut thru that top? I had someone break into a convertible years ago, and the cost to repair the top was outrageous!
You might try Bushnell Onix it has XM weather with radar and I think you can get traffic.You can get one on ebay for 200 bucks but there map software is not much.