I think someone mentioned one in another post that I've since forgotten the subject off. Thinking about remaking my video with royalty free music if there is anything good out there. Thanks for any info.
My brother in North Carolina has a studio and produces his own music. He's actually writing all original music for my 2004 video. He mentioned that if anyone else is interested in procuring original music for their videos, he may be able to help, as he writes continuously.
Mike - my video is almost done ... everything has been compiled now, and I'm basically just waiting on the soundtrack. As soon as it's finished I planned to send you a copy anyway and you can have a listen and see if it is anything you are interested in.
If anyone else is interested, feel free to email my brother Mark Peregrine at: [email protected] ...
It actually works pretty smooth ... on the tracks that I want accompaniment, I just compress them into a small format and then we use a new service called Grouper to fileshare ... he pulls the files and is able to write the music to correspond with the video ... then he sends me the .wav file and I just have to plop it into the DVD --- pretty slick.
(By the way - Grouper is really cool for file sharing ... probably the best solution I've seen yet.)
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